Guild Ranking: store the damage and heal from guild runs, build lists of top DPS on each boss. Talents and Item Level Tracker: see which talents raid members are using and what is their item level. Plugins Encounter Details: a summary about the current encounter. ...
可以看自己和隊友的DPS、HPS...等模組化的傷害統計資訊,還有仇恨值表和各種好用的戰鬥分析工具和外掛套件。 作 者Terciob @ Curse 譯 者BNS, Fang2hou, kxd0116 , lohipp, sheahoi, Whyv, 彩虹ui 使用方法: 切換顯示傷害/治療或其他統計:右鍵點戰鬥統計視窗標題。
Raid工具:一套小工具,以帮助每天的Raid。 公会排名:保存公会运行时的伤害和治疗,建立每个boss的顶级DPS列表。 天赋和物品等级追踪:查看团队成员使用的天赋和他们的物品等级。 分享到: 谢谢你的参与 亲,没有更多评论哟 作者简介 天呐你真高 作者 NFU魔兽怀旧站官方团队...
Options:This page contains all of the window customization options. There’s a separate section covering this page below. Plater Nameplates:If you have the Plater Nameplates addon installed, Details can display real-time dps in the nameplate. Use the settings on this page to choose if and how...
Time Attack: test dps on dummies with fixed time lengths, also stores your attempts for later comparisons. TinyThreat: a small, but powerful, threat meter. Vanguard: show debuff timers on tanks. Chart Viewer: create and view charts ingame. ...
Guild Ranking: store the damage and heal from guild runs, build lists of top DPS on each boss. Talents and Item Level Tracker: see which talents raid members are using and what is their item level. Plugins Encounter Details: a summary about the current encounter. Chart Viewer: show graphics...
插件简介:更新自带仇恨监控 Details! DamageMeter老牌的伤害数据统计插件 功能介绍安装说明历史版本 最新版本:官方怀旧服插件 如何开启仇恨统计,使用。bwl更新支持 7月更新支持安其拉 1.13.5 在Details的窗口上把标准切换到团队插件-TinyThreat就可以监视仇恨值了。默认是标准 ...
--i'm not in classc wow else --print("|CFFFFFF00[Details!]: you're using Details! for RETAIL on Classic WOW, please get the classic version (Details! Damage Meter Classic WoW), if you need help see our Discord (/details discord).") end Details:InstallHook("HOOK_DEATH", Details....
Addon for World of Warcraft, does combat analyzes offering clean visual data for the player - Details-Damage-Meter/boot.lua at Details.DF.Wrath.10403.148 · Tercioo/Details-Damage-Meter
分享回复赞 命运方舟吧 lbbboy 方舟DPS统计插件loa-details Realtime Damage Meter tool for Lost Ark 下载我就不提供了,自己凭本事找。 171 都市天际线吧 百合lovee 新人求助!关于插件错误的问题如题,请问大神,我遇到这个问题了该如何解决啊?谢谢 A Mod caused an error [ModException] Details: System.Reflecti...