Chapter 3detailedlydiscusses the basic theory principle of Process - oriented Facilities Management. 第三章详尽论述了面向生产过程的设备管理的基本理论原理. 互联网 Detailedlydiscuss the design and realization of OAM security authorization technique.
detailedly中文翻译 adv. 详细地,逐条地 detailedly是什么意思 网络 详细地词组短语 1.more detailedly 更详细 2.stipulate detailedly 详细的规定 3.detailedly describes 详细描述了 4.detailedly designing 进行详细设计 5.detailedly discusses 详细论述了 6.introduces detailedly 详细地介绍了 7.detailedly introduces...
“detailedly”并非标准的英语单词,在表达“详细地”这一意思时,应使用“in detail”这一标准的英语短语。以下是对两者的详细
英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(D) ... detailed 详细的detailedly详细地details 详细资料 ...|基于23个网页 例句 释义: 全部,详细地 更多例句筛选 1. Thebasicconceptof thedecisiontree, themainresearchingcontentandseveralclassicdecisiontreealgorithmsareintroduceddetailedly. ...
detailedly (ˈdiːteɪldlɪ) adv in a detailed manner Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add ...
沪江词库精选detailedly是什么意思、英语单词推荐 ad. 详细地 逐条地 相似短语 maintain railways养路 brain drainn.智囊流失,人才外流 detail by detail逐一地 against the grain反方向;违背意愿,使反感,使不快 air raidn. 空袭 rail against责骂,挑剔,抱怨 ...
detailedly adv.详细地;逐条地 释义常用度 详细地 逐条地临近词 detailed budget detail analysis detail enhancer detailed record detail of level detail detailed report Detail measures detailed sketch detail printing Detail describe上一篇 determination test 下一篇 determiner ...
当我们探讨"detailly"和其正确形式"detailedly"之间的区别时,首先要明确的是,"detailly"是一个非标准的拼写,实际上应该使用"详细地"这一形容词形式,以准确表达详细和逐条的意思。"detailedly"是一个副词,用来修饰动词,强调动作的细致和详尽。例如,你可以说:"他详细地解释了整个过程"(He detailedly...