GATE Chemistry Syllabus: Physical Chemistry STRUCTURE Postulates of quantum mechanics. Operators. Time dependent and time independent Schrödinger equations. Born interpretation. Dirac bra-ket notation. Particle in a box: infinite and finite square wells; concept of tunnelling; particle in 1D, 2D and...
Class 5 ICSE students can download the pdf format of the syllabus, and sample papers of all the subjects. It will benefit them while preparing for their annual exams.
There has not been a major change in the syllabus part in the past few years and the same is expected for the IBPS Clerk syllabus 2023. The three main subjects which are a part of the IBPS Clerk prelims are as follows: English Language ...
W.e.f. academic session 2010-11SCHEME OF EXAMINATION&DETAILED SYLLABUS(w.e.f. Academic Year 2010-2011)ForMASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS(MCA) DEGREEGURU GOBIND SINGHINDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITYKASHMERE GATE, DELHISyllabus of Master of Computer Applications (MCA), approved by MCA Coordination Committee on...
Graduates will understand contemporary issues and provide engineering solutions for solvingsocial problems.X. Graduates will acquire skills and ability for life-long learning.XI. Graduates will be able to participate and succeed in competitive examinations likeIES, GATE etc...
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Q 1. What is the basic pay of an Assistant in NIACL? Ans. The initial basic pay of a NIACL Assistant is Rs.14,435. As an employee grows in the organisation, the salary also increases. Q2 Q 2. What is the responsibility of an Assistant in NIACL?
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