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Detailedstudies mutilation:destruction,injuring,damaging损伤,残缺contend:argue,assert,claim主张,认为(Iargueplainlythatmakingmarksinabookisnotsomethingdonetospoilitbuttoshowitsworthandvalue.)4.…thepropertyrightyouestablish…建立;安置;使任职;使…接受,确立~thelawofgravity/thefame/acustomestablished~customs/...
Article 46. The confiscation and sealing up of commodities goods and materials or other property by a taxation authority must be executed by two or more taxation personnel and the owner of the said items must be notified. If a citizen, the owner or an adult member of his household shall be...
Unit11TextA:WhyHistoriansDisagree DetailedStudyoftheText (Para.1)Moststudentsareusuallyintroducedtothestudyofhistorybywayofafattextbookandbecomequicklyimmersedinavastseaofnames,dates,eventsandstatistics. bywayofsth 1through;via(byaroutethatincludestheplacementioned): TheartistrecentlyarrivedinParis...
Article 46. The confiscation and sealing up of commodities goods and materials or other property by a taxation authority must be executed by two or more taxation personnel and the owner of the said items must be notified. If a citizen, the owner or an adult member of his household shall be...
A vital natural ecosystem balance including seed sprouting, plant nutrition and growth, water infiltration, plant transpiration, redistribution, evaporation, and percolation relies on paramount property of soil moisture. Understanding soil moisture measurement and its pattern is crucial for various important ...
It's my prop- erty. Not my "intellectual property" — a whacky kind of pseudo- property that's Swiss-cheesed with exceptions, easements, and limitations — but real, no-fooling, actual tangible property — the kind of thing that courts have been managing through property law for ...
We did contact some of the contacts you gave us to talk to and one or two were particularly help full to us with information that we needed to find a property. If any one else is considering what we have had to do for the sack and safety of their children then please don`t hesitate...
Thankyou Washi. Its long I have been looking into these facts. Awesome article. I had a college project for which your blog was the most useful to me. instead if rebloging, I have taken some chunks and wrote a new post in my own Blog. thank you again ...
AB Ltd still intends to sell the property. However, the entity does not have the ability to transfer the property to a buyer until the remedial actions are undertaken. The delay in the timing of the transfer of the property imposed by legal restrictions before a firm sale...