chero noiretta | TEAM LOVE@cherolynne People diagnosed728 0 4 0 occharacteranime 3.6T Diagnosis results:Change each time Name-based diagnosis Your name Diagnose Creator chero noiretta | TEAM LOVE @cherolynne YMV2NW6NEG ...
I located one sheet of the cited collection in K‑W [K001104082]; therefore, it is an isolectotype. Garcinia planchonii shares essential characters with G. pedunculata and is treated here as a new synonym. The size of the fruits of Garcinia pedunculata is 10–18 × 11–20 cm; the ...
POMS has a highly rubbery character indicated by a glass transition temperature of ´110 ˝C giving a solubility selective permeation. A precursor solution for membrane casting was prepared in iso-octane (Merck KGaA, purity >99.5%) as solvent with a number of siloxane based cross-linking and...