The Number and Distribution Pattern of Skin-Projecting Neurons with in the Porcine Sympathetic Chain Ganglia (SChG) As revealed by the retrograde tract-tracing procedure, the SChG neurons innervating skin of the porcine hind leg were distributed in the left lumbar (L2–L6) and sacral (S1–S2)...
The Timing of Leg Muscle Recruitment in the Initiation of Rising from a Chair to StandingSit-to-StandElectromyographyLeg muscles本研究之主要目的在增進對自坐到站動作啟始期間下肢肌肉徵召時間之瞭解,並探討起立速度及坐椅高度對肌肉受徵召時間的影響。共有六名健康成年受試者參與此實驗,進行三種自坐到站的...