Maps ofDenmark Maps ofEstonia Maps ofFinland Maps ofFrance Maps ofGermany Maps ofGibraltar Maps ofGreece Maps ofGuernsey Maps ofHungary Maps ofIceland Maps ofIreland Maps ofIsle of Man Maps ofItaly Maps ofJan Mayen Maps ofJersey Maps ofKosovo ...
of which only about 0.3% are experimentally accessible. This is 30 times more events than at the time of its discovery, owing to the higher rate of collisions
Map of travels in 2008 January: Morocco February: Morocco, Gibraltar, Portugal, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Palestine March, April: Portugal, Morocco May: Morocco, Mali June: Mali, Morocco July: Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Iceland August: Iceland, Denmark, Belgium, Morocco, Hungary, Croatia, Bosnia-...
Acknowledgements This study was funded by Innovation Fund Denmark in the project “PREPARE: Personalized Risk Estimation and Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease”. Author information Authors and Affiliations Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Universitiy of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, 5230...
Higgins of the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland. Accompanying this memoir is a new 1:1,000,000-scale color geological map of northeast Greenland in print and on CD-ROM.收藏 报错 分享 全部来源 求助全文 相似文献...
Waters, a liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry firm in Milford, Massachusetts, is working with researchers at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense to determine histone modifications in normal cells and cells undergoing senescence. "We have combined ion mobility and mass spectrometry," ...
Denmark (English) Deutschland (Deutsch) España (Español) Finland (English) France (Français) Ireland (English) Italia (Italiano) Luxembourg (English) Netherlands (English) Norway (English) Österreich (Deutsch) Portugal (English) Sweden (English) Switzerland Deutsch English...
Denmark DK:urban 50 50 DK:rural 80 80 DK:motorway 130 80 Germany DE:living_street 7 7 DE:urban 50 50 DE:rural 100 80 DE:motorway 130 80 Finland FI:urban 50 50 FI:rural 80 80 FI:trunk 100 80 FI:motorway 120 80 France FR:urban 50 50 FR:rural 80 80 FR:trunk 110 80 FR:motorw...
+72 °F Cook Islands +82 °F Costa Rica +70 °F Cote D'Ivoire +79 °F Croatia +37 °F Cuba +73 °F Curaçao +79 °F Cyprus +45 °F Czech Republic +28 °F Denmark +34 °F Djibouti +72 °F Dominica +77 °F Dominican Republic +72 °F Ecuador +64 °F Egypt +50 °F El...
Weather alerts available for U.S., Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Switzerland and United Kingdom and Russia. Sea surface temperature, beach water temperature for iPhone and iPad weather app ...