StudentswillbeabletounderstandandusebasicEnglishvocabularyandpresencestructuresStudentswilldevelopapositiveattitudetowardslearningEnglishandacknowledgingtheimportanceofcrossculturalcommunicationStudentswillbeabletocommunicateeffectivelyinEnglishthroughlistening,speaking,reading,andwritingactivitiesTeachingobjectivesandrequirements Preparati...
They seem to consistently test material before teaching it. In my experience, there are very few quantitative tools taught thoroughly or properly in the lessons themselves, however, they are assessed in full detail. If you answer these questions incorrectly, the system just prompts to give you ...
All videos uploaded on this channel specialize in teaching the official language of China and are of high quality. The channels provide extensive tips, professional, and logical explanations of grammar and vocabulary so you can count on it if you plan on living in China. They have incorporated ...
In this unit, we will discuss the reasons why grammar is so important and will reflect on the misconceptions about teaching grammar that limit good instruction in this subject matter. You will study a model to present grammar in a communicative, contextualized manner and you will have the opport...