Brian is an IEEE awards recipient, including the 2017 Outstanding Leadership and Service to the IEEE within Region 6, the 2017 IEEE-USA Professional Leadership Award for “outstanding service to the Consulting and Electrical Engineering profession,” and the 2012 Outstanding Leadership and Professional ...
Colloidal Silver is one of the most essential emergency preparedness items! Our products are made in small batches using pharmaceutical grade water that has been structured into tiny, hexagonal-shaped clusters of molecules. Structured water molecules are smaller and more organized than regular water mol...
Even when science fiction is based on solid predictions, it can demonstrate the pinwheeling pyrotechnics of a first-class fireworks display." Seattle Times "It would not be an exaggeration to say that Doctorow's work is one of the main reasons I still read science fiction, so I looked ...
7th Grade Physical Science: Enrichment Program UExcel Microbiology: Study Guide & Test Prep Browse by Lessons Human Eye Lesson Plan for Elementary School Peripheral Vision: Definition & Problems Optic Nerve Definition, Function & Anatomy The Eye: Structure, Image Detection & Disorders Photoreceptors Def...