The channel has a very fine way of analyzing the speech with clear explanations and examples using videos about China. Her portfolio also covers teaching Chinese to children and learning to boost their pronunciation all without having to live in China. CLICK HERE TO VISIT 杨老师中文小课堂 29. ...
高英(1)1.2 Detailed Study(2)Lesson1FacetoFacewithHurricaneCamille J.B.Priestley 10 Para.1–6 PartOne Para.7–27 PartTwo Para.28–39 PartThree IntroductionThedecisiontomake–whethertoleaveorstayathome ConclusionReliefworkandreflection 7①Itgrewdarkbeforeseveno'clock.②Windandrainnowwhippedthehouse.③...
That's when Amy Marin, a school speech specialist, witnessed something strange outside -- a car had crashed into a ditch. She scrambled to assist the driver. "I was running to him to help him," Marin said. "I thought somebody had a heart attack." Within seconds, however,...
free speech, and bottled water on a plane." Scott Westerfeld, author of Pretties, Uglies, and Extras "I can talk about Little Brother in terms of its bravura political speculation or its brilliant uses of technology — each of which make this book a must-read — but, at the end of it...
Your speech is controlled. Your employer is “woke,” and you are being called “racist.” You can hide, hoping they won’t come after you or your children, or you can fight back. This seminar will teach you to fight. Paul will teach you how to defend against leftists bent on ...
出师表详解(Detailed Inst).doc,出师表详解(Detailed Inst) Kunshan to Phoenix, lotus dew laugh cry together. Taolibuyan xiazichengqi. War in March, received a letter. Bamboo outside peach 32 branches, spring plumbing duck prophet. Brambling yasutomo lof
The addition of lots of little bits of studio chatter (the reverby speech in the middle of “The Rococo Tape” is instantly recognizable the band talking about the take they just played) is a clever device that helps keep this looseness present and dominant throughout even the most complex ...