Core API - Re-Fix MOD/S3M/XM/IT file crash with samples that have 0 length, for 1.09 only. Core API - Fixed potential memory leak if System::init returned an error. Core API - Fix FMOD_ACCURATETIME not looping a mod file properly, and not seeking correctly with FMOD_TIMEUNIT_MODORDE...
This was available on all platforms on Day 1. This is also the version the game was reviewed on (unless the reviewer declined the patch, which, sadly, some did…) These are the release notes: Addition of multiple new events to the open world Massive improvement in dialogue animations Gainin...
前两天看见一个贴子 【,感谢作者和楼主】,推荐了国外大佬做的[CstiDetailedCardProgress]插件,真的很好用,贴个图示在这里: 今天突然心血来潮想记录一下游戏的各种数据,免得更新之后mod失效会很难受,特开此楼。 8165227 novelai吧 SWen29 常见Anime风格CKPT与VAE效果参考公共...
-Adjusted animations on various items-Removed manufacturer/brand names on localizationv1.0.0-Added SFOD-D Delta unit-Added Mk.17L to Ranger Automatic Riflemen-Added Desert Lizard camo pattern to Nowheraki Commando Brigade-New visualeffects for the M107-New mod image-New Unit Banner-US Special ...
UE4 - Fix for crash when previewing animations using the FMOD event notifier.Notes:Core API - System::getSpeakerModeChannels returns the system channel count when passed FMOD_SPEAKERMODE_DEFAULT. Now works even if the system format is set to FMOD_SPEAKERMODE_RAW. UE4 - Can be recompiled with...
Over the past few months, dozens of new scenes, items, animations, icons, artwork, and sounds ha +6 分享1424 金泰妍吧 Taenggu﹏月 |Taenggu﹏抽|〖0512资料】泰妍的音乐剧在泡菜的反应[翻译版]我个马大哈 出处:silis@Soompi 翻译:万博爱@杯具之家 经本人同意转载 转载请注明作者~~~ 分享37赞 风暴...