Scanning electron microscopy, digital photographs and flotation experiments together with swelling ratio studies reveal that the polymeric network of cryogel produced by the two-step polymerisation method is characterised by an open structure with more pores and higher swelling ratio but lower mechanical ...
1.But it has some obvious disadvantages such as high methanol permeability andswelling ratio,thus the performances of direct methanol fuel cells is badly affected.Nafion117膜是直接甲醇燃料电池广泛使用的全氟磺酸质子交换膜,但是它过高的甲醇渗透率和溶胀率降低了电池的性能。 2.The swelling kinetics and e...
Figure 4a, b shows the measured and fitted plot of the equilibrium swelling ratio of the Base Gel and NINA_10_24 as a function of temperature. The gap of the equilibrium swelling ratio between the two redox states became larger in NINA_10_24 than in the Base Gel. The differences in ...
, we may speculate that the Poisson ratio of the particle is the governing metric for if and when a crossover in behaviour may be expected. Depending on the manner in which microgels are prepared, the surface structure of the polymer chains may be different, leading to significant variations ...
deviations from perfect coplanarity may lead to a significant reduction of the coherent correlation length in the ordered domains, and eventually 1D partial melting may occur ford-spacings corresponding to visible photonic range [23]. Due to the extreme aspect ratio of the NaHec silicate layers, an...
Scanning electron microscopy, digital photographs and flotation experiments together with swelling ratio studies reveal that the polymeric network of cryogel produced by the two-step polymerisation method is characterised by an open structure with more pores and higher swelling ratio but lower mechanical ...
The deswelling behavior was investigated by measuring the time course of the swelling ratio change of the semi-IPNs just after the temperature or pH was changed. Although the incorporation of PAAc linear chains into the PNIPAAm hydrogel networks should facilitate deswelling, nonporous semi-IPNs ...
Displacement performancesPolymer microsphere profile control is a promising approach for the profile control of heterogeneous reservoirs. Matching between polymer microspheres after swelling in water and the reservoir pore throat is crucial for profile control. Hydration equilibrium time and swelling ratio are...
ge1)showedacceleratedshrinkingkineticsandhigherswellingratiocomparingwithconventionalgelsfCG.Thestudywas extendedtogelspreparedbyusing2-hydroxy—l—ethanethiolaschaintransferagentandbyusinglowconcentrationsolutions. Thetwosystemsalsoexhibitedretardationeffectsandimproveddeswellingkinetics.Thedifferentswellingbehaviorsof theseg...
The permeability of the original shale decreased dramatically as the swell ratio increased, concluding that softening of shale is the main reason for the loss of permeability of the shale matrix. It is also reasonable to conclude that with moisture diffusion into the shale matrix, pore sizes in ...