Sichuan Province is also one of China’s best-known hometowns for pandas, and at the Bifengxia reserve, about six miles north of Ya’an, workers said that 20 pandas in the park were safe. “We examined the panda area after the quake, and they were not affected,” sai...
Built in the Hongwu period of 16 years (1383), as "Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou" rising star--Lo (1733-1799) the homes of their ancestors. Housing for two-and three-floor structure, North of the original independent kitchen and private schools, later destroyed in the "cultural revolution" ...
YUXI China — Many people of this city in southwester China spent Saturday night in tents too scared to sleep in their homes after an earthquake which killed 188 people early that morning. Countless homes were destroyed and lots of people
Built in the Hongwu period of 16 years (1383), as "Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou" rising star--Lo (1733-1799) the homes of their ancestors. Housing for two-and three-floor structure, North of the original independent kitchen and private schools, later destroyed in the "cultural revolution" ...
Sichuan Province is also one of China’s best-known hometowns for pandas and at the Bifengxia reserve about six miles north of Ya’an workers said that 20 pandas in the park were safe. “We examined the panda area after the quake and they were not affected ” said Chen Yong an officer...