C 语言中文开发手册 mtx_destroy (Thread support) - C 中文开发手册 在头文件<threads.h>中定义 void mtx_destroy(mtx_t * mutex); (自C11以来) 销毁mux指向的互斥锁。如果有线程在等待mutex,则行为未定义。 参数 mutex-指向要破坏的互斥体的指针 返回值 (无). 参考 C11 标准(ISO / IEC...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于Thread 重新 destroy的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及Thread 重新 destroy问答内容。更多Thread 重新 destroy相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
HANDLE threadH = tp->threadH; #endif HANDLE cancelEvent = tp->cancelEvent; /* * Thread ID structs are never freed. They're NULLed and reused. * This also sets the thread state to PThreadStateInitial before * it is finally set to PThreadStateReuse. */ __ptw32_threadReusePush...
from threading import Thread import _interpreters interp = _interpreters.create() def run(): _interpreters.run_string(interp, "1") _interpreters.destroy(interp) threads = [Thread(target=run) for _ in range(1000)] for thread in threads: thread.start() for thread in threads: thread.join()...
[12] Solid state drives and forensic troubleshttp://tech.wiredpig.us/post/12292126487/solid-state-drives-and-forensic-troubles [13] Intel 320-series SSD and FDE (Full Disk Encryption) questions...http://communities.intel.com/thread/20537...
// threadWeb::ExitCode Web::Entry() {#ifdefDEBUGfprintf(stdout,"Start Web\n");#endifwxHTTP get; get.SetHeader(_T("Content-type"), _T("text/html; charset=utf-8")); get.SetTimeout(30);while(!get.Connect(_T("www.workinprogress.ca"))) {if(TestDestroy()) {return(wxThread::Exi...
FAULTING_THREAD: 00003c80 PROCESS_NAME: mpv.exe WRITE_ADDRESS: 000001fd89d98e60 ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - The instruction at 0x%p referenced memory at 0x%p. The memory could not be %s. EXCEPTION_CODE_STR: c0000005 EXCEPTION_PARAMETER1: 0000000000000001 ...
C线程支持 | Thread supportcnd_destroy cnd_destroy 在头文件<threads.h>中定义 void cnd_destroy(cnd_t * cond); (自C11以来) 销毁由cond指向的条件变量。 如果在cond上等待线程,则行为是未定义的。 参数 cond - 指向要销毁的条件变量的指针 返回值 (无). 参考 C11标准(ISO / IEC ...
The pthread_mutex_destroy() function may fail if: EBUSY The implementation has detected an attempt to destroy the object referenced by mutex while it is locked or referenced (for example, while being used in a pthread_cond_timedwait() or pthread_cond_wait()) by another thread. EINVAL The ...
Barring recycling, server restart and a fatal crash in the app it'll more or less run for ever. 'statics' will live just as long. They are shared by all users.Your use of the static is not thread safe either.Since you need a 'per user' state, you'll have to resort to a 'per...