You must destroy each of the beasts and send the aliens packing, while also looking after yourself from the humans who want all beasts dead. Choose from a host of classic Godzilla monsters including the 90's and 2000 version of the beast himself plus Megalon, Anguirus, King Ghidorah, Gigan...
The game is pretty story driven with a lengthy opening movie, but in s nutshell:The story follows Lucia, a 16-year-old star fighter pilot in the Earth Federation. A war breaks out between humans and an unknown alien race in the year 2025. Lucia’s father, Ken, a high-ranking admiral...
Destroy All Humans 2 remake at Gamescom, if it sells well, they're planning a third one A saints row reboot will be announced later this month, probably gamescom 分享348 逗游吧 帅得挨刀_信吗 毁灭全人类2《毁灭全人类2(Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed)》是一款科幻风格的动作游戏,外星...