K/D #2,911 Unranked 1.91 KA/D #4,178 Unranked 2.42 W/L Ratio #1,418 Unranked 72.0% Kills Per Game #487 Unranked 21.16 Performance Tracking Elo No Elo history in past 2 weeks. Recent Games View All Games ActivityScoreKDAK/DStandingDuration ...
Tally D2 205,224 26729 93 i2nv 205,027 12868 38 we cant iose 217,896 9693 27 everyshot 223,807 32641 61 VL2 210,983 19808 58 pogs r useless 212,103 30827 59 H0Txmay0nnaise 211,867 26685 92 egor 205,051 13146 44 j d0e ...
TrackerNetwork / DestinyStatus Star 100 Code Issues Pull requests Destiny Status code base laravel games destiny bungie Updated Oct 5, 2021 PHP dcaslin / d2-checklist Star 92 Code Issues Pull requests Source for www.d2checklist.com, written in Angular and using the Bungie API angular...
@CalicoFlo @DestinyBulletn "We heard your complaints which is why we're going to ignore them because our fanbase is full of apologist who excuse any actions, bugs, exploits, and issues in destiny even when most of those people don't play the game or know what a D2 is and Bungie is ...
Destiny Tracker 【战绩数据库】查询世界第一光等与PVP战绩之类的网站 https://destinytracker.com/ Braytech.org 布雷科技 查询各种成就什么的数据网站和你的游戏任务成就界面很像的网站 https://braytech.org/ D2Checklist.com 其实和布雷也很像,可以查询各种游戏资料与自己什么没有完成的网站【例如蛋蛋,火星音乐盒...
https://destinytracker.com/ http://Braytech.org布雷科技 查询各种成就什么的数据网站和你的游戏任务成就界面很像的网站 https://braytech.org/ http://D2Checklist.com其实和布雷也很像,可以查询各种游戏资料与自己什么没有完成的网站【例如蛋蛋,火星音乐盒,节点之类的】 ...
Destiny Tracker 【战绩数据库】查询世界第一光等与PVP战绩之类的网站 https://destinytracker.com/ Braytech.org 布雷科技 查询各种成就什么的数据网站和你的游戏任务成就界面很像的网站 https://braytech.org/ D2Checklist.com 其实和布雷也很像,可以查询各种游戏资料与自己什么没有完成的网站【例如蛋蛋,火星音乐盒...
Destiny Tracker 【战绩数据库】查询世界第一光等与PVP战绩之类的网站 https://destinytracker.com/ http://Braytech.org布雷科技 查询各种成就什么的数据网站和你的游戏任务成就界面很像的网站 https://braytech.org/ http://D2Checklist.com其实和布雷也很像,可以查询各种游戏资料与自己什么没有完成的网站【例如蛋...
Also i see this on destinytracker: We are detecting issues w/ the D2 Bungie api. We could not update your stats. Please try again. Contributor 48klocs commented on Sep 1, 2018 Would it be possible to get more detail on this? Testing locally (also on Chrome 64 bit), I'm seeing ...
Relentless Tracker- Kills with this weapon grant enhanced motion tracker resolution for a short time. Stat Modifiers: Hand Loaded- This weapon is effective at an extended range. Reinforced Barrel- Increased Range. Reduced Stability. Quickdraw- This weapon can be drawn unbelievably fast. ...