_wv=1027&k=QyWVmLyU 或者搜索神秘代码1060812005 就可以加入我们一起辣 Light.GG https://www.light.gg/ 命运2武器库 https://destinytracker.com/destiny-2/db/items/weapon?s=8 展开更多游戏知识分享官 游戏 网络游戏 教学 攻略 游戏视频 教程 新赛季 命运2 DESTINY2 天命2 Perk...
Sights and Barrels is a type of Weapon Perk. Each Legendary Weapon will have a choice of 2 or 3 of these perks, depending on the manufacturer of the gun. These things are similar to their counterparts in Destiny 1, and basically self explanatory. These, along with Magazine and Trait ...
Assault Magis aWeapon Perk. Additional Information +10Rounds Per MinuteRating +15Stability Mother sold her daughter's old bed. 3 days later the buyer made an incredible discovery!Women's Method| Sponsored Undo How High Is Your IQ? - International IQ Test (Official)IQ International| ...
While it has absolutely been a great example of a community pulling together and of excellent communication from Bungie, Destiny 2's weapon perk saga is arguably the biggest, strangest, and most shocking issue in the FPS game's history. As a result, Bung
该活动的专有装备和利维坦防具一样,有特殊的特性(perk)。邪魔剑/ Crota之剑(遗迹武器 relic)会在次活动中回归,它会在击败某些邪魔骑士之后掉落。玩家可以捡起它并用来攻击邪魔族。新遗迹武器—女武神。它是一支只能持续一段时间的战脑主题长棍。你需要特殊的钥匙解锁被升级协议中出现的战脑缓存来获得它,钥匙可以...
The Hothead has long been an excellent heavy weapon option in endgame activities due to its great, unique perk options. If you’ve got a teammate using Gjallahorn, another one of the best Destiny 2 weapons, then The Hothead will be even more deadly than usual as well. ...
The Heart of Inmost Light Exotic chest armor is the last piece of the puzzle, as the weapons you choose are largely up to personal preference – though any Void weapon with the Destabilizing Rounds perk is a safe bet. Heart of Inmost Light has seen several nerfs but in spite of that, ...
【Heavy weapon ammo】增加重武器总弹容量。【Upgrade defense】增加使用者防御力。【Swordbearer’s touch】在CE副本中,持刀者获得额外移动速度。【Shotgun ammo】增加霰弹枪总弹容量。【Rocket launcher ammo】增加火箭筒总弹容量。【Arc double-down】任何电属性伤害造成双杀,5秒内提高移动速度。【Second wind】...
Explore weapon perks inDestiny 2 Looking for a place to start? Try searching forCombat Bows with Moving Target Check out all of the newExotic Class Item Perks! Champions Barrier Overload Unstoppable Perk Combo Categories Double Damage Melee Combos ...
Two-Tailed Fox’s catalyst perk Third Tail has been reworked. Two-Tailed Fox now fires all 3 shots burst-fire with the catalyst, instead of firing 3 rockets in 2 bursts. This improves the weapon’s consistency and prevents situations where the rockets could collide mid-flight. ...