A Fireteam is a combat unit of Guardians formed to conduct infantry operations with tactical flexibility. Fireteams act similarly to clans in terms of game mechanics. Fireteams typically consist of up to three Guardians, though fireteams taking on a...
In Suikoden, the 108 Stars of Destiny refers to the protagonist and the other 107 characters who will aid him (usually) at his headquarters in his epic struggle with fate. In each main Suikoden game (excluding the Genso Suikogaiden games and Suikoden Tac
Clash of Clansasynchronous battle gameplay showed a way where you could have a good multiplayer game loop and apply it (we thought) to a different battle gameplay. We were doing something original and new yet familiar by associating XCOM type turn based tactical combat to the Clash of Clans ...
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