2.宇宙乌龟(Cabal) 进攻City为了占有 Traveller的力量进而变的和宇宙流氓(Guardians)一样3.所有PVP将会变成4v4(大写的Hype! 4v4是最Competitve的人数选择)以后Trials就变成了3拖1了 容易多了4.职业进行了重新调配修改 翻新。D1 Defender泰坦变成了美国队长。 一些旧能力依然保留(演示里 Warlock用的Angel of Light/...
Trials of Osiris Elo3,024 Leaderboard Destiny 2 and Tracker news, updates and more! Claim Your RONIN.exe Avatar Frame 3w ago EPIC Holiday Giveaway, Exclusive Rewards, and up to 50% off TRN Premium! 2mo ago Claim Your "Holly Jolly" Frame Now!
Xur has returned to Bungie’s Destiny 2 and is in the Tower’s Hangar until the next weekly reset. This week’s Exotic weapon on sale is Hard Light, an Energy auto rifle that was meta in Trials of Osiris for a short while, believe it or not. Available for 29 Legendary Shards, Hard...
Destiny 2 Trials meta weapons Here are the most used Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris meta weapons according toDestiny Tracker: 1. The Immortal – 5.43% 2. Cloudstrike – 5.16% 3. Conditional Finality – 5.15% 4. Matador 64 – 4.45% 5. Ammit AR2 – 2.96% 6. The Messenger – 2.22% 7. ...
Meta provided by Charlemange (warmind.io)WHAT IS DESTINYKD.COM With DestinyKD.com you can check and track your guardians progress in the world of Destiny PvP gameplay with individual stats for each game mode. Quickly see how many kills are needed to progress your K/D ratio. View your ...
Trials Lookup Easily view weekly, monthly, seasonal, and lifetime stats of your opponents in Trials of Osiris. Personal Progress Track your overall performance in Crucible, PvE and Gambit. Weapon Stats Compare your monthly weapon stats to the community meta. ...
Solar:The Summoner (Trials of Osiris) or Abyss Defiant (Crota’s End) Arc:Prosecutor (Prophecy) or Arc Logic (Moon) The entire BRAVE Arsenal That’s… a lot. Image via Bungie We’ve featured around half of the BRAVE Arsenal in our list, but most of the other weapons are also good ...
Destiny 2 Boosting – D2 Boost & Carry Service Destiny 2 or D2 is the favorite game of millions. It offers a whole range of gaming entertainment, from battles with other players to completing storyline missions, Nightfall Strikes, Trials of Osiris PvP activities, and more. However, the play...
Destiny 2 Season of the WishWarlord's RuinRaidsTrials of Osiris WoW Mythic CarryRaidsArenaServices for Gold Game Gold WoW GoldWoW Classic GoldFIFA FUT Coins Division 2 Meta BuildsSHD Levels FarmExoticsWeapons Escape From Tarkov Flea Market UnlockQuestsLevelingCurrency Farm Call of Duty: Modern Warfa...
While not the most ideal weapon for Trials of Osiris (despite its second perk). Vigilance Wing still performs decently well in the Crucible. Exotic gear for the week includes Heart of Inmost Light (Titan chest), St0mp-EE5 (Hunter boots) and Sunbracers (Warlock gloves), each for 23 ...