pvp韧性>恢复>智慧,pve纪律>力量>韧性 回复 来自Android客户端14楼2020-04-20 07:43 沦长老 守护者 8 泰坦很少有build刻意叠力量的,楼主你优先韧性和纪律,如果护甲以后弄到更好的了可以再此基础上拔高恢复 收起回复 来自iPhone客户端15楼2020-04-20 08:19 尘封...
This D2 Titan build is our go-to option in PvP, particularly in Competitive play and the hardcore Trials of Osiris. After all, we all want that sweet, sweet loot. This is largely due just how agile this build can be, despite several nerfs looking to tone it down – which has had an...
看需求的,像是强力伙伴就要用电,点石成金就要用火,新的刀剑模组要用电之类的。总结一下就是你要根据自己的build来配装,不过pve的话就比较在意功能性模组就行了,pvp更多在意的是换弹和绿子弹的拾取模组。 来自Android客户端11楼2020-06-15 00:48 收起回复 _...
Destiny 2: Every Character Stat (& How They Work) Gaming Character stats are one of the most important aspects of Destiny 2, regardless if players are engaging in any PvE or PvP activity in the game. ByKaitlyn Peterson Jul 16, 2024 ...
PvE and PvP builds are clearly different from one another, so the first goal should be figuring out which game type you're making the build for. Afterward, see if your build is aimed toward weapon use or ability spam. PvE tends to lean towards abilities, while PvP focuses more on weapons...
Destiny 2: The Best Hunter Builds For PvP And PvE Wield the Light and Dark with equal mastery with these devastating Hunter builds. Every Source Of High-Star Armor Every armor piece you obtain has an incredibly small chance of dropping as a high-stat armor piece. Since listing every source...