Next, practice makes perfect. Some exotic weapons have unique mechanics or abilities that take time to master. Spend some time in the crucible or running strikes to get a feel for how your new weapon functions. Once you’ve got...
I’m not even exaggerating about how overpowered this weapon is, because the team at Bungie have said just how good it is. There are multiple arrow types that perform differently and various Bow Perks as well, meaning this is going to be a weapon type worth getting your skills up in. W...
New to Destiny 2? Start here. Get up to speed quickly with our introduction to Destiny 2's core systems, classes and game modes. Why you should start playing Destiny 2 today 1. Easy to pick up, fun to master Getting started is easy. The first few missions show you the ropes, ...
Into the Light sees the first major map pack forDestiny 2. This pack includes three new Crucible maps, each of which are supposed to be smaller and more intimate than some of the giant maps Bungie has added in recent years. The maps take place on Europa, Neomuna, and the light-ravaged...
...that aremasteredversion ofOutbreak Primecan be obtained inDestiny 2? ...that despite being billed as a recurring PvE event comparable to theIron Banner's role in PvP,Queen's Wrathonly occurred twice? ...that theValkyrieis a unique Relic Weapon created by theWarmindRasputin?
The 45 test nodes on Mars are well-hidden, and their colors designate what kind of gun you need to use to destroy them: Orange for solar weapons, blue for arc, purple for void, white for kinetic, and red for the new weapon available inWarmind: the Valkyrie javelin. Destroying them unlo...
Weapon Foundries are the arms manufacturing corporations of the City. The names of most weapon foundries were introduced in the Destiny base game, but they play a much bigger role beginning in The Taken King. At least one new weapon foundry, Veist,...
A weapon's power is balanced by the type of ammunition it uses. For each weapon class equipped, swapping between weapons of the same ammo type will forfeit some carried ammo, switching between ammo types will not transfer ammo. Some exceptional weapons may use a different kind of ammo than ...
has three types of weapons equipped simultaneously: the Kinetic weapons, which deal simple kinetic damage, the Energy weapons, which deal either Arc, Solar or Void damage, depending on their elemental type, and the Power weapons, which deal the most damage out of the three weapon types. There...
Make sure you regularly visit these vendors daily to pick up their new bounties and complete as many as you can. The only types of bounty you should avoid focusing on are repeatable bounties, as they give much less XP and cost a significant amount of Glimmer. Your bounty inventory wi...