Version 8.2.2 Updated for Episode: Heresy! • Fireteam Finder has been updated to show listings created in-game, and you can join if you're online! • Find Fireteams for the new Nether activities. • Track your progress towards new Seasonal Challenges and rewards. ...
Bungie’s 30th Anniversary Pack is the final content launch for Destiny 2 in 2021, and it promises to be a big one. With crossover weapons from other Bungie properties, including Halo, some new activities, and Gjallarhorn, it’s a massive fan-service upd
Plus, who doesn’t love getting free stuff just for playing a game you already love?So, buckle up and get ready to reap the benefits of your Season Pass. Whether it’s unlocking new skins, gaining extra XP, or gaining bragging rights over your friend...
If you don’t even out your armor, a Pinnacle or Powerful might drop a +2 power helmet, which would be a waste since it’s already your best slot. Many playlist activities — Strikes, Gambit, Crucible — will drop items “at Power,” so keep an eye out for any gear that’s laggin...
Next, **new weapons and gear**. What would a new season be without some shiny new toys to play with? Whether you’re a fan of hand cannons, sniper rifles, or just enjoy blowing stuff up, there’s bound to be a new weapon or piece of gear that tickles your fanc...
HomeFree Stuff & FreebiesMiscellaneousNov 2, 2018 by Jessica Strugnell Free Destiny 2 PC GameGet Destiny 2 PC game for free! Register or log in to get Destiny 2 PC game! Limited time only!Get This in no way claims to represent the manufacturer(s), brand(s), ...
The stuff that’s currently available as part of the first post-Final Shape episode mostly follows the same tired model of running matchmade activities every week to unlock small bits of story and new loot, but the Exotic Quests and other surprises that have been added have really impressed ...
Heavy stuff. But I guess it's the same argument people always have about their relationships. Is there such a thing as true love, or just the love we decide we're going to make work?8. What is this thing we do, Ikora? Are you my one true love, am I yours? We agreed it's ...
Boy did they find some stuff! Destiny is no stranger to data-miners and leaks, however I feel this is the first time that it's come directly from a pre-release build. The Raid Armour The new Raid, a pinnacle endgame event in Destiny 2: Shadowkeep, "The Garden of Salv...
but you’ll need to spend a lot of time playing it to get all the good stuff. You’ll also need to complete an Iron Banner-specific quest before you can start raking in the best rewards. Here’s everything you need to know aboutDestiny 2’s Iron Banner, and a few tips on how to...