本次Iron Banner我组了一个临时队,个人经历从0级到5级共历经三晚,总计79胜3负,现将所有心得总结如下: Iron Banner的地图一共有五张,模式为Control(夺旗): Twilight Gap(地球)Rusted Lands(地球)Firebase Delphi(火星)Blind Watch(火星)Shores of Time(金星) 这五张地图,按照点位的分布可以分为三类,同时也有...
本次Iron Banner我组了一个临时队,个人经历从0级到5级共历经三晚,总计79胜3负,现将所有心得总结如下:Iron Banner的地图一共有五张,模式为Control(夺旗):Twilight Gap(地球)Rusted Lands(地球)Firebase Delphi(火星) Blind Watch(火星)Shores of Time(金星)这五张地图,按照点位的分布可以分为三类,同时也有三种...
Trials of Osiris, Iron Banner, and Nightfall focusing will see the following costs: 1 Ritual Engram Trials, Iron Banner, or Vanguard (depending on the vendor) 20,000 Glimmer 50 Legendary Shards Adept weapon focusing for Trials of Osiris and Nightfall weapons will see the following costs...
Many of Destiny 2’s most coveted rewards, such as exotic weapons or seasonal titles, require significant time or skill to achieve. Boosting services ensure players don’t miss out on these opportunities. 4.Stay Competitive For players who enjoy PvP or want to keep up with friends and guild...
Iron Banne..这是一个维持一周的pvp活动,由棒鸡远端控制开放.这次活动在2016/01/05 9am UTC结束国内2016/01/05 下午5点结束其他时区的童鞋可用这个网站来计算时间http://www.w
所以,洗5次就够了,发现情况不对,立刻闪人再来。这次的IB实在太重要,无论如何,请喜爱PVP的朋友们千万不要错过。也祝大家洗枪的时候都能有好运气!欢迎大家来此贴秀枪!扩展阅读:Iron Banner Weapon Reforge 完全指南及个人建议http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3599665249 25楼2015-03-18 13:31 收起回复 ...
TrendingWeapons Heretic's FervorRocket LauncherHeavyStasisRevenant Activities Red TapeScout RiflePrimaryStasisRevenant Activities VS Gravitic ArrestFusion RifleSpecialVoidVesper's Host Dungeon Tinasha's MasterySidearmSpecialStasisIron Banner 🔎 Destiny 2 God Rolls Finder ...
下面带来《命运destiny》中关于Iron Banner Control模式的几种战术总结,重要说明各种战术要点,大家有机会也可以参考视频来验证一下。 第三类,三角形点位,代表地图为Shores of Time。 这张图就要用纯运动战的打法了,也是我最喜欢的打法,RUNGUN。 RUNGUN是速度的比拼,其关键点就是: ...
北京时间6月10日凌晨1点 Bungie会直播发布今年下半年的新DLC"Iron Rise"直播地址:https://www.twitch.tv/bungie趁着还有几个小时时间 闲着没事 整理了一下铁旗的历史 顺便给可能的新人介绍一下铁旗的机制一楼更介绍/二楼及后续写历史问:什么是Iron Banner(铁旗)?答:Destiny中,每月固定举行的,为期一周的熔炉(...
If you want to be certain you’re bringing the meanest guns to the gunfight, our guide to the bestDestiny 2PvP weapons has got you covered. Be sure to grab these if you’re diving into the competitiveDestiny 2 Iron Banneror Trials of Osiris modes. ...