本次Iron Banner我组了一个临时队,个人经历从0级到5级共历经三晚,总计79胜3负,现将所有心得总结如下:Iron Banner的地图一共有五张,模式为Control(夺旗):Twilight Gap(地球)Rusted Lands(地球)Firebase Delphi(火星) Blind Watch(火星)Shores of Time(金星)这五张地图,按照点位的分布可以分为三类,同时也有三种...
Iron Banne..这是一个维持一周的pvp活动,由棒鸡远端控制开放.这次活动在2016/01/05 9am UTC结束国内2016/01/05 下午5点结束其他时区的童鞋可用这个网站来计算时间http://www.w
Last week saw thereturn of Iron BannerinDestiny 2, appearing for the first time inSeason of the Haunted. It came with itsfair share of changeslike the scrapping of Tokens, a Reputation system more in line with other vendors, and more. Crucible mode Rift also returned for the first time s...
Not much Iron Banner tradition left in this mode. Screenshot by Dot Esports Your objective in Tribute is to kill opposing players, collect their Crests, and bank them at one of the Tribute stations. When a team banks many Crests at once, it can trigger the Hunt phase, summoning a special...
IB重机枪洗起来和IB喷子很像,因为必须出的天赋一样是2个,同时其他位置的天赋池中也有大量优秀的天赋可供选择。首先,必须有的天赋。IB重机枪必须有同时绝对没有妥协余地的天赋是:FIELD SCOUT:枪械弹夹容量增加100%,备弹量增加1个弹夹FEEDING FRENZY:击杀后使换弹速度提高120%,持续3秒大弹夹除了能够扩大重机枪的...
Fixed an issue where the bonus reputation icon did not display while Crucible reputation booster is active. Iron Banner Daily Iron Banner challenges have been split into 2 series. Each series has 4 challenges rolled out daily over the week. ...
Saladin leaves Crow a message about learning to deal with the guilt of his past, and leaves him his Iron Axe. Meanwhile, onboard Caiatls ship, Saladin is challenged by a Valus who believes that Saladin isn’t worthy of his position, and challenges him to a Rite of Proving. Saladin ...
Iron Remembrance Armor is an Legendary Hunter, Titan, and Warlock armor set that was available from the Iron Banner during the fourth season of Destiny 2.
Iron Banner的地图一共有五张,模式为Control(夺旗): Twilight Gap(地球) Rusted Lands(地球) Firebase Delphi(火星) Blind Watch(火星) Shores of Time(金星) 这五张地图,按照点位的分布可以分为三类,同时也有三种完全针对的战术可以使用。 DESTINY CONTROL模式的精髓是“重生点控制”,但是我不打算把这个问题搞得...
北京时间6月10日凌晨1点 Bungie会直播发布今年下半年的新DLC"Iron Rise"直播地址:https://www.twitch.tv/bungie趁着还有几个小时时间 闲着没事 整理了一下铁旗的历史 顺便给可能的新人介绍一下铁旗的机制一楼更介绍/二楼及后续写历史问:什么是Iron Banner(铁旗)?答:Destiny中,每月固定举行的,为期一周的熔炉(...