·铁旗(iron banner)是PVP活动,该活动每个月的月底举办一次,持续时间为一周,在该PVP活动中,将激活等级压制,光等越高,伤害越高。玩家可通过铁旗的NPC(位于铁旗神庙出生后,过桥左转,该NPC只有在活动开始后才会出现)领取赏金任务,完成后可获得最高400光等的装备/武器。在该PVP中,玩家无论输赢,每局结束后获得的...
本次Iron Banner我组了一个临时队,个人经历从0级到5级共历经三晚,总计79胜3负,现将所有心得总结如下:Iron Banner的地图一共有五张,模式为Control(夺旗):Twilight Gap(地球)Rusted Lands(地球)Firebase Delphi(火星) Blind Watch(火星)Shores of Time(金星)这五张地图,按照点位的分布可以分为三类,同时也有三种...
Iron Banne..这是一个维持一周的pvp活动,由棒鸡远端控制开放.这次活动在2016/01/05 9am UTC结束国内2016/01/05 下午5点结束其他时区的童鞋可用这个网站来计算时间http://www.w
Pantheon is an endgame PvE activity that challenges players to kill raid bosses in a gauntlet. Guardians will be able to group up and take on some of the game’s hardest challenges all in a row — and earn some cool, exclusive rewards while doing so. Bungie devs promised to reveal more...
Iron Banner Daily Iron Banner challenges have been split into 2 series. Each series has 4 challenges rolled out daily over the week. Series 1: Players complete Iron Banner matches (with no restrictions) to earn Iron Banner Rank bonus multipliers. ...
命运destiny新声望任务iron banner介绍 《命运destiny》在10月7日开启了最新的声望任务,这个任务与女王任务很类似,一些达成条件都相同,虽然有一些变化,奖励目前看起来比女王任务稍稍好些,下面是详细的任务翻译。 《命运destiny》在10月7日开启了最新的声望任务,这个任务与女王任务很类似,一些达成条件都相同,虽然有一些...
Meanwhile, onboard Caiatls ship, Saladin is challenged by a Valus who believes that Saladin isn’t worthy of his position, and challenges him to a Rite of Proving. Saladin reluctantly agrees, and as the two begin to choose their weapons, he notices his Iron Battle Axe, and glares at Caia...
IB重机枪洗起来和IB喷子很像,因为必须出的天赋一样是2个,同时其他位置的天赋池中也有大量优秀的天赋可供选择。首先,必须有的天赋。IB重机枪必须有同时绝对没有妥协余地的天赋是:FIELD SCOUT:枪械弹夹容量增加100%,备弹量增加1个弹夹FEEDING FRENZY:击杀后使换弹速度提高120%,持续3秒大弹夹除了能够扩大重机枪的...
The first two-week period of Iron Banner inDestiny 2is coming to an end, and it gave players plenty of time to figure out what’s wrong a featured game mode—Tribute. Recommended Videos In aReddit threadon July 14,Destiny 2players pointed out how the Hunt phase in Tribute is “pointless...
Iron Banner的地图一共有五张,模式为Control(夺旗): Twilight Gap(地球) Rusted Lands(地球) Firebase Delphi(火星) Blind Watch(火星) Shores of Time(金星) 这五张地图,按照点位的分布可以分为三类,同时也有三种完全针对的战术可以使用。 DESTINY CONTROL模式的精髓是“重生点控制”,但是我不打算把这个问题搞得...