why can't the Hunter do the same with one Golden Gun shot? Dawnblade has a travel time, which means it's dodgeable. When you throw the flaming sword, it moves, and it can be avoided. It's not a, it's not an instant hit projectile from rage. ...
My brother has been working on Hunter armor lately so I'm probably going to build some Warlock armor of my own. Your method of making the helmet looks pretty effective; I was just thinking of 3D printing mine, but this seems like it would work just as well. How is the visibility of ...
Doom & Destiny Worlds ist ein rundenbasiertes Open World-RPG mit Crafting, Bauen, Farming und lokaler Co-op-Option für 4 Spieler. Crafte dir deinen Weg durch bekloppte cosplayende Goblins, furzende Steingiganten und verfluchte Dschinns über mehr als 60 handgemachte Inseln hinweg. Sammle ...
While I don’t have the armor to focus on it yet I am currently going for Level 2 for New Monarchy which all of their armor gives INT and STR. EDIT: Intellect will get your super up faster and Strength gets your melee up faster. These two skills are very important to the blade danc...
Destiny Heavy Ammo Glitch Guide by IAmWhiteBoy I see a lot of confusion out there about the heavy ammo glitch and how to do it. There are lots of ways, but this
Before entering the arena, designate each team member with a number: 1, 2, and 3. The number 1 team member will be the one that is in charge of dismantling the two farthest mines. This is where it is easiest with a Hunter using invisibility. The numbering order will be the order in...
Hunter: Don’t even use Bladedancer. Ever. Unless you’re up against Fallen – oh wait, Shank. Never use it solo. I despair when Hunters solo as a bladedancer – it’s invisibility helps to revive, not to keep alive. ONLY use Incendiary / Flux. Gunfighter on Solar burn. Vanish / ...
Crota:The easiest part. Have a good swordbearer, hopefully a bladedancer hunter although not needed. Clear out the crystal rooms and run to the left side. Have your swordbearer run to the right, and then make his way to the left with the Chalice. NOW is the only time to use rockets...