2Branches 0Tags Code Repository files navigation README No longer maintained, for rolls/wishlists see: For wishlists see:https://github.com/48klocs/dim-wish-list-sources Keywords: destinythegame, destiny2, destiny 2, godroll, godrolls, god, roll, 18 Kelvins, 21% Delirium, A Cold Sweat...
7.I am still collating intelligence on how to break the time loop. While I work, I must convince you of the Dreaming City's ultimate importance—and why it is imperative that the City be held at all costs, even the cost of abandoning all other Human and neohuman civilization in the So...
James 1:2“My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; 3 knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience (so you develop the godly habit of faith actions the moment you are threatened or concerned that God will not show up, or reminded that the answ...
As Mercury always causes problems for many it is imperative that we are aware of restrictions in our lives and be mindful of things that need our attention. Since Mercury will move between two different signs, two sets of predictions will be allocated. What I am bringing to you is not west...
However, first try the run-n-gun playstyle. Take Rifled Barrel in column two instead of Reinforced, because keeping the gun as easy to control as possible well be imperative for quickly moving between targets. In the third column, Lightweight is going to give you the extra agility you need...