在PlayStation Store購買《天命2》擴充內容與銀幣 標準版 《最終形態》+ 年票 NT$660NT$1,320省下50%優惠截止於6/1/2025 02:59 PM UTC 加入購物籃 加入購物籃 《天命2:最終形態》是什麼遊戲? 面對湮滅,迎戰見證者 最終形態逐漸逼近:一個夢魘般的現實鈣化,由怪誕扭曲的見證者親自設計。踏上險惡的旅程、...
此专栏为:命运2:终焉之形(Destiny 2:The Final Shape)壁纸专栏 专栏16张壁纸 云盘16张壁纸(图片格式:JPG) 您的每一次点赞,投币,收藏,评论,关注都是对我最好的支持 如果能在我的主页充电的话那更是感激不尽,谢谢一直以来各位小伙伴的信任与支持 用手机端B站可以直接查看原图保存 需要壁纸云盘的小伙伴可以直接...
Destiny 2: The Final Shape Beoordelingen van spelers wereldwijd 4.21Gemiddelde beoordeling 4.21/5 sterren uit 894 beoordelingen 894 beoordelingen 69% 11% 5% 2% 13% Game-info en juridische info De Standard Edition van The Final Shape bevat de nieuwe verhaalcampagne, drie nieuwe Supers, een...
Destiny 2: The Final Shape (2024) Home 4 of 11 Destiny 2: The Final Shape (2024)
What is Destiny 2: The Final Shape? Confront oblivion and face the Witness The Final Shape looms – a nightmarish calcification of reality into the Witness's twisted design. Embark on a perilous journey into the heart of the Traveler, rally the Vanguard, and end the War of Light and ...
De Standard Edition bevat de verhaalcampagne The Final Shape, drie nieuwe Supers, een nieuwe bestemming, nieuwe wapens en uitrusting om te verzamelen, en de eerste Episode in het jaar van The Final Shape.
命运2:终焉之形Destiny 2: The Final Shape Bungie 2024-06-04 9.27.7 中文 0想玩0在玩0玩过0已购买0在关注 列表贡献点评举报 简介 开发/发行 链接 Logo 媒体评分 9.2 会员评分 7.7 终焉之形标准版包括全新剧情战役、三大全新超能、一处新目的地、可供收集的新武器和护甲以及终焉之形发布年的首个篇章。
Destiny 2: The Final Shape marks the expansion that closes out the narrative that started back in Destiny 1 developed by Bungie. Take a look at the accolades trailer to garner the critical reception for Destiny 2: The Final Shape available now for PlaySt
In The Final Shape, guardians have to find the final villain, the Witness, and kill him. Guardian and Vanguard have to join together to stop the invasion of the Witness in the world. Guardians will be able to blend the powers of light and darkness through the new sub-class called Prismat...
The Final Shape x SteelSeries Collection includes everything you need to showcase your bravery in Destiny 2. Don't hesitate as our supplies are limited. Artisan Keycap Only 3,700 of these unique, handmade keycaps exist. In-Game Items Also receive the Viral Celebration emote and the Gea...