Destiny 2 Patch Armor Updates Armor energy type has been deprecated. Armor now has untyped armor energy, and all mods use that untyped energy when socketed. Armor mods that were previously based on weapon archetype are now based on weapon damage type. Most armor mods that are based...
Non-Exotic Armor Traits are deprecated. These traits provided extra stats and functionality. These have been mostly replaced with the Armor Mods system. Survivalist Hunter Armor Intrinsic Energy Weapon Targeting Armor Perks Exotic ArmorExotic Armor has an intrinsic trait which gives it the utility it...
Warmind Cells have been deprecated, and can no longer be generated.[2] Seasonal Mods unlocked from the Seasonal Artifact have been replaced with Artifact Perks. Instead of needing to equip a seasonal mod, perks are now always active once unlocked. However, the maximum number of perks that ...