// Unregister callback when the window closes (important to avoid a memory leak) _Zotero.getMainWindow().addEventListener( "unload", function (e) { _Zotero.Notifier.unregisterObserver(notifierID); }, false ); this._Addon.views.initViews(_Zotero); } private resetState(): void { /* For...
async function startup({ id, version, resourceURI, rootURI }, reason) { await waitForZotero(); // Listen to windows var WindowListener = { onOpenWindow: function (xulWindow) { loadAddon( xulWindow .QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsI...
cluster: support update startupNodes in clusterRetryStrategy (4a46766) transaction: transform replies of transactions (e0b1883), closes #158 BREAKING CHANGES Reply transformers is supported inside transactions. Pipeline#execBuffer() is deprecated. Use Pipeline#exec() instead. 2.0.0-alpha2 (2016-02...