Claiming to be king. Mara Sov bows to no one." — Mara Sov When Oryx invaded the Sol System, Mara planned to meet him in battle at Saturn's rings. As the Awoken fleet gathered at a floating starport deep within the Reef a night of revelry was held to create good memories for the ...
1.31 Season of the Deep 1.32 Season of the Witch 1.33 Season of the Wish 1.34 Into the Light 1.35 The Final Shape 1.36 Episode: Echoes 2 Personality and traits 3 Other Names 3.1 Destiny 2 Titles 4 Trivia 5 Gallery 6 List of appearances 7 References Biography "[...]Claiming he's seen...
Almost all prophetic words today shout one of those two headlines: AMERICA IS PAST HOPE AND WILL BE DESTROYED! or AMERICA IS FAVORED AND WILL NEVER BE DESTROYED! Facebook oozes with voices claiming to be prophets or mouthpieces for God. The internet teems with self-appointed prophets who scre...
Dominus Ghaultraveled to theSolar Systemwith hisRed Legionwith the goal of claiming the Traveler and its Light for himself. By attacking the City, Ghaul sought to show the Traveler the error of its ways in choosingHumanityover the Cabal and aimed to establish a new order of Cabal Lightbeare...
all his worldly possessions, but Banshee was outraged at the thought of the treacherous Prince of the Reef claiming ownership of Cayde's prizedAce of Spades, which Banshee had helped forge. He asked the Young Wolf to promise him that they would kill Uldren and recover the Ace of Spades.[...
The Dawning is an event that consists of players baking gifts with Eva's Holiday Oven and delivering them to characters across the Sol System, earning rewards like the Avalanche Machine Gun, the Cold Front Submachine Gun, the Glacioclasm Fusion...
The Crucible is the player vs. player game mode in Destiny and Destiny 2. Items bought or earned in the game can be used more effectively in the Crucible, and weapons/armor received elsewhere can also be used in the rest of the game. The Crucible...
The Ace of Spades rewards precision kills with two main bonuses: With Firefly, all precision kills become explosive shots that do damage to nearby enemies. With Maverick, precision kills grants a bullet from your ammo reserve into the magazine. Both these perks are more useful against groups of...
Ascendant Challenges are weekly rotating time trials available within the Dreaming City. There are six different regions that are accessible via Ascendant Portals scattered throughout the City and its Lost Sectors, which are only made visible by...
A set of lore tabs in Forsaken offers an explanation as to why Last Wish, in particular, can be repeated an Infinitum in canon, claiming that Quria, Blade Transform, now attempting to defect from the Taken, trapped the entire area in a time loop to buy time to undo the corruption of ...