Distraught, you headed to the Reef to hunt down the eight Barons and avenge Cayde-6’s death. During this deadly journey, you encountered the Scorn, a new type of Fallen tainted and corrupted by the Darkness. After much struggle and bloodshed, you finally defeated the eight Barons and the...
Distraught, you headed to the Reef to hunt down the eight Barons and avenge Cayde-6’s death. During this deadly journey, you encountered the Scorn, a new type of Fallen tainted and controlled by an entity called the Darkness. After much struggle and bloodshed, you finally defeated the eigh...
2Changes 3Overview Introduction FORSAKEN Following years of strife, what remains of the Reef has fallen to lawlessness. You andCayde-6are sent to personally investigate the recent unrest. Upon arrival, you soon discover the most-wanted criminals in the Prison of Elders have organized an escape. ...
betrayed the Reef by leading a massive breakout within thePrison of Elders, taking leadership of a corrupted group of zombified Fallen, theScorn, and murderingCayde-6in the process. TheGuardian, who worked with Mara many years before, sought justice for Cayde's death and began the hunt for...
In the depths of the prison the Scorn ambushed Cayde-6, destroying his Ghost, leaving him vulnerable to assasination. In one of the most memorable moments in Destiny 2 Uldren Sov murdered Cayde-6, killing him with his own gun. What followed was a hunt by the Young Wolf to take down ea...
Relive the past. Ikora offers a Timeline Reflections quest to help new and lapsed players get caught up on major story beats by replaying three key moments: Cayde’s Fate from Forsaken, Communing with Stasis from Beyond Light, and the Lucent Hive from The Witch Queen. Includes new cinematics...
Forsaken campaign walkthrough Seek revenge for the death of Cayde-6 in the Forsaken campaign. Broken Awoken Talisman quest The Key of Light and Darkness quest has players travel to a new area. Gambit Beginner's Guide Learn the ropes of Gambit so you can quickly defeat the Primeval. All Gamb...
Outraged by the death of the Hunter Vanguard, The Guardians, acting upon their own accord and unsanctioned by the Vanguard, return to the Reef to start the hunt for the Scorn and the rogue Awoken prince to avenge Cayde-6. Upon the breakout of the Scorn, the House of Dusk also began ...
In folklore, the ace of spades is traditionally known as The Death Card due to its long tradition with war.[3] The Hunter Vanguard representative Cayde-6 is seen wielding the Ace of Spades in the official Destiny 2 trailer, killing Cabal while fanning the hammer like the Last Word. It's...
You don’t reallyneedto watch one, but the opening hours are more interesting if you do. Unlike theexcellentForsakenexpansion, wherein the death of Cayde-6 was front-loaded and provided an immediate emotional hook even if you skipped the originalDestiny,Shadowkeeptakes its time getting goi...