Unranked 1.35 W/L Ratio #412,316 Unranked 50.2% Kills #949,187 Unranked 7,764 Kills Per Game #665,049 Unranked 11.75 Grimoire Score #731,165 Unranked 4,335 Time Played #1,064,622 Unranked 3d 23h 47m Recent Sessions Top Playlist True Skill ...
Partners Premium Get the Apps Claim Profile 561 views Favorite Overview Matches Session Viewer Maps Detailed Guardians Premium users don't see ads.Upgrade for $3/mo Overall Crucible Competitive Iron Banner Trials of Osiris Gambit PvE Lifetime ...
Destiny TrackerBy Tracker Network Download on Overwolf Free Contains Ads Your Best Assistant in Destiny 2 Is Now Available In-game! Reviews 2.8 Downloads133K App Platforms About the App Your Best Assistant in Destiny 2 Enrich your gaming experience with in-depth statistics of you, your teammat...
Time-to-Kill: 0.86s (1 爆头 + 2身上.)射速: 22伤害: 87 (86 暴击, 57 身上)射程: 38稳定: 51上弹速度: 39弹夹量: 12AA: 50Imago Loop - Echo Chamber / Undying Mind 副本boss随机掉落http://db.destinytracker.com/items/3052681344-imago-loop优点- 大弹夹,高射程缺点-低稳定,低AA, 中下的...
Level 1 - Activity Kill Tracker Level 20 - Weapon Title Level 30 - Shader Exotics[edit] Some Exotic weapons can be crafted. Exotics will not have enhanced traits, and theirExotic catalystswill be inserted as part of the crafting process, depending on the weapon. Mementos cannot be inserted ...
Bring the invitation to the bounty tracker to obtain The First Test. Perform feats of skill in the crucible to obtain The First Test – Completed. Return to the bounty tracker to obtain The Second Test. Trade Mote of Lights for Osiris Coins. Use the coins to compete in the Trials of Osi...
The Guardian became acquainted with the various Tower residents, including the three Vanguard leaders, the Gunsmith, Master Rahool and the Bounty Tracker, as well as the Postmaster and Tower Shipwright, who helped repair their ship. During the tour, they visited other Tower residents of lesser imp...
Map/tracker awareness, knowing when to use your Super & ensuring that your arsenal is right for the map is essential! [divider] [yframe url=’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgoDqz1ZnvA’] Agility, Armor & Recovery Agility It gets you to key objectives faster and lets you move into...
An engram tracker can now be recovered from the Sonar Station (in addition to other vendors, such as the War Table) once deleted. LOCALIZATION Mandarin voiceover support is now available across all content in Destiny 2 for players with their language set to Simplified Chinese. Updated Korean tr...
If your thief knows the guard is not a tracker he might forgo allocating attention to not leaving traces but if he doesnt know there is a supplemental guard arriving which does know tracking the situation can be very different. A soldiers attention must account for aggressive opportunities/...