»dessertspoon (US) ↔ 立方米[m3] »dessertspoon (US) ↔ 升[L] »dessertspoon (US) ↔ 毫升[mL] »dessertspoon (US) ↔ 盎司(美)[fl oz (US)] »dessertspoon (US) ↔ 加仑(美)[gal (US)] »dessertspoon (US) ↔ 茶匙[tsp] ...
Convert Dessertspoon (US) to OtherVolumeUnit: »Dessertspoon (US) ↔ m3[cubic meter] »Dessertspoon (US) ↔ L[liter] »Dessertspoon (US) ↔ mL[milliliter] »Dessertspoon (US) ↔ fl oz (US)[ounces] »Dessertspoon (US) ↔ gal (US)[gallon (US)] ...
1. dessertspoon(spoon for dessert): dessertspoon ≈Dessertlöffelm(größeralsderdeutscheTeelöffel)m dessertspoon ≈Müslilöffelm 2. dessertspoon烹饪(dessertspoonful): dessertspoon 11,8ml adessertspoonofsugar ≈zweiTeelöffelmZucker ...
桌面餐具与器皿6 勘宝杯筐托盘 35617/35618 金結晶万能杯 07903-138 安南赤絵楽描带把手碟 (土物) 18209-138 赤絵格子土瓶蒸锅 (直火) 39622-138 濃淡十草 1号荞麦面酱汁瓶 09205-138 呉須刷毛千代折角小钵 店内产品推荐 阿里卡Universum550ml中山市优利高贸易有限公司询盘 ...
dessertspoon (redirected fromdessertspoons) Thesaurus Encyclopedia des·sert·spoon (dĭ-zûrt′spo͞on′) n. A spoon intermediate in size between a tablespoon and a teaspoon, used for eating dessert. des·sert′spoon′ful(-fo͝ol)n. ...
spoon- a piece of cutlery with a shallow bowl-shaped container and a handle; used to stir or serve or take up food Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Translations Spanish / Español ...
You can view more details on each measurement unit: dessertspoon or cc The SI derived unit for volume is the cubic meter. 1 cubic meter is equal to 100000 dessertspoon, or 1000000 cc. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to ...
Definition: DessertspoonAs a unit of culinary measure, a level dessertspoon (dstspn.) equals two teaspoons, or 10 milliliters, whereas a tablespoon is three teaspoons, 15 milliliters or one half ounce.Definition: MegalitreA megalitre (Ml or alternatively ML), also spelled megaliter, is ...
▢ ⅔ cup (84 g) all-purpose flour, (stir, spoon, & level) ▢ ⅓ cup (27 g) unsweetened cocoa powder, (natural or Dutch-process) ▢ 1 ¼ tsp baking powder ▢ ¼ cup (59 ml) oil, (canola or vegetable) ▢ 6 Tbsp buttermilk, room temperature (or milk with 2 tsp...
Hot selling Middle-East Style Ceramic Handle SS410 Cutlery Dessert Tea Spoon with Stand SC036-2 Product Description: Premium stainless steel flatware with different quality: 201ss(18-2)/ 410ss(13-0)/ 420ss(13-2)/ 430ss(18-0)/ 304ss(18-8)....