'despite'They mean the same thing and are used the same way. There is no difference, but I have heard “despite” be used more often 的同义词
If you are curious about the difference betweeninspiteanddespite, don’t be.Inspiteis not a word despite the fact that some people have taken “in spite of” and wrongly forced the phrase into a one-word form. Review and Rules to Consider Despiteandin spite ofmean the same thing and ca...
of the electrolyte solution. The greater the ability to store electrolyte, the lower is the probability of the cell dry out. This prevents the shorting of the plates. The AGM battery’s safety vent or flame arrestor is the second difference from the floo 玻璃席子的厚度确定程度电解质解答的...
The worddespiteand phrasein spite ofare used in prepositional phrases to mean “regardless of” or “notwithstanding.”Despiteandin spite ofare synonyms and can be used interchangeably in prepositional phrases. Despite your best efforts, you may not be able to figure out any difference betweendespi...
The main difference between “although” and “despite” is that “although” is a conjunction while “despite” is a preposition. Both are used to show contrast between two actions or events. Both can be used at either the beginning or the middle of the sentence. Highly-rated answerer ...
What’s the difference between despite and in spite of? The easy answer: none. Despite and in spite of, despite what you may have heard, work identically in a sentence. In other words, these two prepositions, in spite of what you may have heard, are basically identical. In most cases,...
This question is from Brazil, from Diones. The question has to do with the difference between the words “despite” and “ in spite of”. Well, both “despite” and “in spite of” mean the same thing, they are both prepositions or used as prepositions and basically the expressions both...
@NordicRest: Thanks a lot! I could understand. Well, Could you please give me another sentences...