The infamous (and kind-hearted) not-super villain Gru returns in Despicable Me 4, the fourth entry in the long-running movie series from Illumination Entertainment. The fourth film also sees the return of Gru's wife, Lucy, portrayed again by Kristin Wiig, and introduces their son. + See ...
The infamous (and kind-hearted) not-super villain Gru returns in Despicable Me 4, the fourth entry in the long-running movie series from Illumination Entertainment. The fourth film also sees the return of Gru's wife, Lucy, portrayed again by Kristin Wiig, and introduces their son. Where to...
Everyone with a Peacock account will be able to watch Despicable Me 4 on October 31. So, if you’re looking for something to watch this Halloween, what better than Gru’s latest battle with villains alongside his trusty henchmen — the Minions. This time, however, they’ve gotten a super...
“Mega Minion Mayhem” is a 4-minute featurette about the creation of the film’s quintet of super-powered Minions. “Rogues Gallery” is an amusing 4-minute featurette that takes us through all the villains who appear in the film’s final sequence. And, finally, in the 12-minute “How...
“Similar to the depth of the characters in the James Bond franchise, we delve into Gru’s world of supervillains and heroes, intricately woven with his family life. Each installment presents new challenges for Gru, both professionally and personally, ensuring a dynamic and engaging storyline ...
Build a tribute to the most adorably despicable supervillains ever with this play-and-display set. Shop now Despicable Me 4 House of fun .undefined.It’s time to get your Gru on. It’s time to get your Gru on Minions and Gru's Family Mansion ...
“Similar to the depth of the characters in the James Bond franchise, we delve into Gru’s world of supervillains and heroes, intricately woven with his family life. Each installment presents new challenges for Gru, both professionally and personally, ensuring a dynamic and engaging storyline ...
learn more display your minions love build a tribute to the most adorably despicable supervillains ever with this play-and-display set. shop now despicable me 4 house of fun . undefined. it’s time to get your gru on. it’s time to get your gru on minions and gru's family mansion ...
At the conclusion of the film Scarlet Overkill and Herb Overkill return to Buckingham Palace retrieve the crown from Queen Elizabeth II and are chased by the Minions, when the two villains are suddenly frozen by a young eight-year-old boy, Gru, with his freeze ray. He takes the crown hims...
He's so fluffy, I'M GONNA DIE!Agnes in Despicable Me Agnes Gru, or simply Agnes, is one of Gru and Lucy's three adopted daughters, alongside her big sisters Margo and Edith. She is the youngest child of the three sisters. She greatly adores unicorns, as