"Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies."I know that the austerity measures introduced by the government during the recession are unpopular, but desperate times call for desperate measures.I'll do anything to protect my daughter from the mob. Desperate times call for desperate measures, rig...
forshindigheckthrow a partygorgeousstickysnackfront pagedecoratechallengeexhaustionconfuseappearanceunacceptableloose enddespiseunravelfearwarmthrefinedelegancedetailhold on toeternitydiscardtracedoubtambitionbeliefdesirehumanitysurrenderdirty laundryparentingindulge inpoisonjerknerdybrowniequenchgaze outparchcounsellorterribly...
3.sentences for practice Ø My body was discovered by my neighbor, Mrs. Martha Huber, who’d been startled by a strange popping sound. 注意startled语调上扬,strange popping要强调 Ø If you think I’m gonna discuss the dissolution of my marriage in a place where the restrooms are labeled ...
a Monday. After the funeral, all the residents of Wisteria Lane came to pay their respects. And, as people do in these situations, they brought food. Lynette Scavo brought fried chicken. Lynette had a great family recipe for fried chicken. She didnt cook much while moving up the corporate...
N o . If Mary Alicee was having a crisis, wee'd havee known. Shee livees 50 feeeet away, for God sakees. Gabby, thee woman killeed heerseelf. Someething must'vee beeeen going on. - I wouldn't eeat that if I weeree you. - Why? I madee it. T r u s t m e e . ...
51、 Yeeah.Wee all say, if you hadn't quit you'd bee running thee placee by now.Yeeah, weell.So how's domeestic lifee? Don't you just lovee beeing a mom? And there it was.The question that Lynette always dreaded.Weell, to bee honeest For those who asked it, only one answer...
My spunky 12-year-old daughter was at the time riding a naughty little bay pony who challenged her at every turn and was so hard to ride that she struggled to make any sort of progress in her lessons. The kind trainer said she knew of a pony that might be just perfect for Annabelle...
-MARYALICE:Andforamoment,Mrs.Huberstoodmotionlessinherkitchengrief-strickenbythissenselesstragedy. 过了一会之后,Huber太太呆呆地站在厨房里,因为这件事情而感到极度悲伤。 But,onlyforamoment. 但是只有那么一会。 IftherewasonethingMrs.Huberwasknownfor,itwasherabilitytolookonthebrightside. ...
Mary Alice Young: And, for a moment, Mrs.Huberstood motionessin her kitchen,grief-sticken by this senseless tragedy. But only for a moment. If there was one thing Mrs.Huber was known for, it was her ability to look on the bright side. ...