Index into a List 保存副本 登录注册 L=−5,−3,−1,1,3,5 6个元素列表 1 To see the elements of your lists, create a table: 2 3 M=1,2,3 3个元素列表 4 Since M=[1,2,3], L[M] creates a list of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd elements of L ...
If MM is another list, produce a list of elements from LL at the indices specified by MM with L[M]L[M] See examples of each of these here. Lists in Geometry In Desmos Geometry, use lists to define parameters in transformations, create concentric circles, or make “string” art with gl...
You can create this symbol by typing the subtraction symbol (-) followed by a greater than sign (>). When writing an action in the expression list, make sure you enable the slider for the included variable if it wasn’t previously defined. The expression containing the action will then ...
We recommend disabling Quick Nav to make it easier to interact with the calculator. This can be accomplished in the Commanders group of the VoiceOver utility in the Quick Nav tab. Alternatively, press LEFT ARROW and RIGHT ARROW simultaneously to toggle Quick Nav on the fly. ...
You can even make a list of geometries with different parameters ( L_x = [-12.5,-7.5,...,12.5] geometry = Sphere(0.02*L_x^2+0.5) mesh = Mesh(geometry, material) meshp = Position(mesh, L_x, (0.02*L_x^2, 0)) Show(meshp) Go cr...
If you want to edit an equation, click on it in the expression list, make the necessary changes, and press Enter or click outside the input field. Desmos supports a wide range of mathematical functions and symbols, including trigonometric functions, logarithms, exponentials, and more. ...
Understanding the properties of graphs is critical because it will make problem solving easier both in advanced course work and in employment. Desmos allows for comparing graphs in sequence or analyzing a single graph with changing parameters. ...
Type some desmoscript code into a file. This will do as a proof of concept. Make sure the file has the .desmo extension: y = x ^ 2; Run the web server by right clicking the file and selecting "Run Desmoscript Web Server." Upon doing this, a new VSCode window should pop up con...
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// Make a dashed line calculator.setExpression({ id: 'line', latex: 'y=x', style: Desmos.DragModes.DASHED }); // This will render with normal movable point styling, because named point // assignments result in points with a `dragMode` of `XY` by default calculator.setExpression({ ...