Here are important tips for using the Desmos Graphing Calculator with JAWS, NVDA, and Microsoft Narrator. JAWS for Windows JAWS may be set to use either the INSERT or CAPSLOCK key as its primary command modifier. The following discussion will mention only the JAWS key, which may be assumed ...
Desmos is a wonderful user-friendly calculator for graphing in two dimensions. However, creating three-dimensional projects can be confusing at first, but more importantly they are slow due to essentially having to recompute meshes and projections on every frame. Three.js is an excellent rendering...
The Desmos graphing calculator has the ability to export graphs for a Braille embosser which enables a student to feel the graph rather than hear it. Supported embossers include the View Plus Tiger VP Max and the Enabling Technologies Romeo 60 and Juliet 120. ...
Here are important tips for using the Desmos Graphing Calculator with JAWS, NVDA, and Microsoft Narrator. JAWS for Windows JAWS may be set to use either the INSERT or CAPSLOCK key as its primary command modifier. The following discussion will mention only the JAWS key, which may be assumed ...
The Desmos graphing calculator has the ability to export graphs for a Braille embosser which enables a student to feel the graph rather than hear it. Supported embossers include the View Plus Tiger VP Max and the Enabling Technologies Romeo 60 and Juliet 120. ...