下载请到各大应用商店搜索「Desmos Graphing Calculator」。1.主要界面(1)调节如图所示,应用的右上角点击“🔧”可以调节页面。「Projector Mode」可以使显示的函数线条更粗,颜色变深;「Grid」可以切换网格类型(方格或雷达);勾选「Arrow」可以使 x 轴或 y 轴带有箭头;勾选「Minor Gridline」可以显示比xy 轴颜色...
Braille mode Grid or no grid Grid or no grid Cartesian grid Polar grid Arrow Axis numbers Minor grid lines Show or hide x-axis X-axis label X-axis minimum X-axis maximum X-axis step size Same options for y-axis Angles radian or degree measure ...
degreeMode false When true, trig functions assume arguments are in degrees. Otherwise, arguments are assumed to be in radians. colors Colors The color palette that the calculator will cycle through. See the Colors section. autosize true Determine whether the calculator should automatically resize whe...
使用速度飞快且性能强大的Desmos图形计算器探索数学。从直线到抛物线,再到导数和傅立叶级数,任何方程式都能出图。添加滑块以演示函数的转换、创建表格以输入数据并作图、制作动态图表,还有更多功能等着你——最重要的是,所有这一切都是免费的! 功能: 绘图:绘制极坐
clearIntoDegreeMode false When true, clearing the graph through the UI or calling setBlank() will leave the calculator in degreeMode. Note that, if a default state is set, resetting the graph through the UI will result in the calculator's degreeMode matching the mode of that state, regardl...
💕 After 30 years I decided to go back and finish my degree but I haven’t used Algebra in years and of course never used the Ti-84 calculator, so I’m already in a tight spot trying to crash course Algebra then on top of that learn a calculator I’ve never touched before. I ...
💕 After 30 years I decided to go back and finish my degree but I haven’t used Algebra in years and of course never used the Ti-84 calculator, so I’m already in a tight spot trying to crash course Algebra then on top of that learn a calculator I’ve never touched before. I ...
degreeMode false When true, trig functions assume arguments are in degrees. Otherwise, arguments are assumed to be in radians. colors Colors The color palette that the calculator will cycle through. See the Colors section. autosize true Determine whether the calculator should automatically resize whe...
clearIntoDegreeMode false When true, clearing the graph through the UI or calling setBlank() will leave the calculator in degreeMode. Note that, if a default state is set, resetting the graph through the UI will result in the calculator's degreeMode matching the mode of that state, regardl...
💕 After 30 years I decided to go back and finish my degree but I haven’t used Algebra in years and of course never used the Ti-84 calculator, so I’m already in a tight spot trying to crash course Algebra then on top of that learn a calculator I’ve never touched before. I ...