函数图像生成器desmos全称desmos graphing calculator,是一款数学图形计算手机工具,有了它以后,用户就可以轻松的绘制出所需要的公式图形,无论是绝对值还是平方根,这里都可以轻松搞定,喜爱的朋友赶快下载体验吧! 官方介绍 Desmos图形计算器Desmos Graphing Calculator拥有快速强大的数学引擎,可立刻绘制出任何公式的图形,从...
The Desmos Graphing Calculatorapp is a free math app that can graph any function. WithDesmos, you can do more than make equations. WithDesmos, you can graph and explore an unlimited number of functions. DesmosGraphing Calculator lets you: Graph Create graphs that include multiple expressions at ...
透過快速且強大的 Desmos 繪圖計算機探索數學。繪製任何方程式,從直線、拋物線,到微分和傅立葉級數。使用滑桿展示函數變換、新增表格以輸入和繪製資料、模擬動畫,還有更多的功能等著你來發掘——而且完全免費。 功能: 繪圖:繪製極座標、笛卡爾座標、或參數式的圖形。
Desmos Gra..Desmos Graphing Calculator 是一款根据表达式描绘函数图像或得出结果的应用,但其主要语言为英文,这可能会影响我们的使用,根据自己几个月以来使用的经历,特地用手机撰写此教程。下载
Desmos Graphing Calculator - Chrome 应用商店,Desmos Graphing Calculator - Chrome 应用商店, Beautiful, powerful, free math exploration! Brought to you by desmos.com
The Desmos graphing calculator is a feature-rich tool that offers a wide range of capabilities for graphing, analyzing, and exploring mathematical functions. It's often compared to Calculator 84 and other graphing calculators but stands out for its online calculator features. Its user-friendly interf...
*** UPDATED *** We set out to re-imagine the graphing calculator from the ground up, building on the best technologies available. This is beautiful,...