图形科学计算器四功能计算器矩阵几何3D 正在使用 Desmos Classroom? 现已成为 Amplify 旗下一员的 Desmos Classroom是一款学习教育平台,提供上百个免费的互动式 K–12 课程! 教师 您可以为自己的班级寻找富有互动性和创新性的课程,也可以自行构建课程。
Draw by line by graph 保存副本 登录注册 y=−0.25x−1−12≤x≤−4 1 y=0.25x−14≤x≤12 2 y=x−2−1≤x≤0 3 y=−x−20≤x≤1 4 y=0.25x−1−12≤x≤−4 5 y=−0.25x−14≤x≤12 6 y=0.5x+82≤x≤4 ...
The diameter ratio at which the diffusivity of the particle is reduced by 50 % compared to its diffusivity in unconfined space is highlighted in the graph. The quantification of steric hindrance of diffusion (Fig. 4) considers geometry but no other factors. However, electrostatic forces acting ...
使用速度飞快且性能强大的Desmos图形计算器探索数学。从直线到抛物线,再到导数和傅立叶级数,任何方程式都能出图。添加滑块以演示函数的转换、创建表格以输入数据并作图、制作动态图表,还有更多功能等着你——最重要的是,所有这一切都是免费的! 功能: 绘图:绘制极坐
In 3D, a similar approach gives you the option of creating parametric surfaces. To generate a surface, your expression should have three coordinates, defined in terms of the parameters uu and vv. Learn More Getting Started: Desmos 3D 3D Graph Settings Polygons Please write in with any other ...
[](https://codecov.io/gh/desmos-labs/desmos/branch/master) [](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/desmos-labs/desmos...
(x)=x2+3x, you can then evaluatef(3)=18f(3)=18. You can also define a function with more than one variable. Try typingg(x,y)=x2+3yg(x,y)=x2+3yand note thatg(10,3)g(10,3)evaluates to102+3(3)=109102+3(3)=109. Click on any of the images to open the graph and ...
dDsg1-FL-Flag or Dsg1-909-Flag-infected undifferentiated NHEKs were stained for Flag. Line scan analysis of border intensities for ectopic Dsg1 proteins is shown on the graph (four independent experiments, at least 50 borders were analyzed per condition in representative experiment, ***p < ...
Explore math with the fast and powerful Desmos Graphing Calculator. Plot any equation, from lines and parabolas to derivatives and Fourier series. Add sliders t…
That way whenever you get around to finishing the mobile version of the geometry and 3d calculators, I can just update it instead of installing two new apps. And four why can’t you graph theta as a function of anything yet. And why can’t theta and r be in the same equation as x...