免费使用的精美数学工具组。 我们致力于帮助每一位学生学习数学并爱上数学。 打开图形计算器 x y a2 ab 7 8 9 ÷ funcs ( ) < > 4 5 6 × |a| , ≤ ≥ 1 2 3 − ABC π 0 . = + 拖动一个点 探索所有数学工具! 图形科学计算器四功能计算器矩阵几何3D...
The Desmos Graphing Calculator is a free online math tool widely used by teachers and students to plot equations and learn math concepts. Use it to plot data, graph functions, evaluate equations, and create classroom activities. Additional information can be found on theLearn Desmospage. ...
The calculator often times attempts to speak evaluations or whether the current equation has a graph while you type. It is possible that this speech could become chopped off if JAWS tutor messages are active. If you experience chopped off speech, we suggest going to JAWS → Options → Basics...
While modern math students have an incredible variety of assistance apps present on the market, Desmos Graphing Calculator still manages to captivate users from all around the world by being easily accessible through the Chrome browser as a fast, reliable, and highly capable math tool. With ...
Desmos has become more than just a graphing calculator—it has evolved into a vibrant online community. Through its platform, users can access a wealth of shared resources, including pre-existing graphs, activities, and lessons. This collaborative environment fosters the exchange of ideas and encoura...
17 desmos.network Traffic 180 −554 Traffic value $70 −369 Domain Rating 47 Pages 19 Unlock more data with Ahrefs Get an in-depth look at the organic search traffic and backlink profile of any website or URL. Try Starter Plan
Desmos Graphing Calculator is a free math tool widely used by teachers and students to plot equations and learn math concepts. Desmos is a free graphing and teaching tool for math available on the web as well as on the App Store for iPhone...
Amplify does not own, but partners with Desmos Studio, the maker of a suite of free math tools, including a graphing calculator used by over 75 million people around the world. Seedesmos.comfor more information. Pleasecontact Desmos Studiofor information on using their content or tools. ...
Teachers can browse by activities to find suitable picks to use in class or to set as homework. These include marble-sliding games that have students transform periodic functions by trying to slide marbles through points on a graph. Desmos can also be used as a four-function calculat...
Rachel K. (attending the session) said that she often had kids project their laptops up to the airplay and lead the class through something they found/built/figured-out on the Desmos calculator, or will have one kid lead a desmos activity on the big screen. I often worry about how to ...