║ 名称:Bing Desktop Wallpaper Changer(必应壁纸随心换) ║ 版本:v1.5Beta ║ 作者:Quant ║ 测试环境:WinXP Win10 ║AutoHotkey: U32 ║ 更新时间:2018年8月22日17:05:15 ║--热键-- ║F3键 显示主界面, ║ 方向键 选择某一项, ║ 空格键 应用当前选择的壁纸, ║ 回车 应用并关闭主界面。
Windows desktop background changer ...阅读更多 此版本中的新增功能 1. windows 11 support. 2. 4K wallpaper 3. High-quality wallpaper 系统要求 适用平台: 电脑, 移动电话, Surface Hub, HoloLens 操作系统: Windows 10 版本 17763.0 或更高版本 体系结构: x86, x64, Arm, Arm64 详...
Still not convinced to try Wallpaper Slideshow Pro ?Take a look at the Wallpaper Slideshow tutorialand see how easy is to configure it and how many features are available ! Requirements: Wallpaper Slideshow Pro runs on Windows 7, 8, 10,Windows 11 ...
BioniX Desktop Animator plays animated GIF/video files as background wallpaper. Works with GIF and AVI files Can paint animation under or over desktop icons. Can zoom in/out the animation Very low CPU usage!!! Works on Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10. No installation required...
Open Run Shortcut and tap the word “Shortcut,” then select the shortcut you made for your first wallpaper. Select Next. 10. Switch the “Ask before running” toggle to the Off position. This stops you from getting a notification every time the wallpaper changes. Select Done....
5K MSI 337 Case Closed 2K Bible verse 1K Gundam [2] 599 Yuri Gagarin and Laika 1K Windows 10 on snowy trees white text logo 326 Bai in the lake - Darker than Black 249 Small river stream in Zion National Park 334 Black Windows logoLatest wallpapers More »161...
电脑桌面动态壁纸 Desktop Wallpaper changer v1.54 绿色破解版是一款能够让你桌面壁纸动起来的软件,可以帮助用户全自动更新桌面壁纸的程序。通过该软件我们便可以自动从各大壁纸网站下载最新的精美壁纸,可以让你改变你的墙纸,还可以让我的的电脑屏幕下雨下雪,有需要美化电脑屏幕的用户快来试试winwin7分享介绍的电脑桌面...
windowslightweightlight-themecsharptooldark-themewpfwindows-10windows-desktopwallpaper-changerdarkmodewindows-11theme-switch UpdatedJan 24, 2025 C# lxn/walk Star6.9k Code Issues Pull requests A Windows GUI toolkit for the Go Programming Language ...
Ja no actualitzem aquest contingut regularment. Consulteu elcicle de vida del producte de Microsoftper obtenir informació sobre com es proporciona l'assistència tècnica per a aquest producte, servei, tecnologia o API. Torna al lloc principal ...
This utility will turn your Windows 95/98 or NT desktop icon text backgrounds transparent; allowing... 12Ghosts SetColor Download 112Ghosts Inc.13Shareware Set the desktop icon text color suitable to your wallpaper! Desktop Layout Download...