精准歌词(逐字歌词/卡拉OK歌词)歌词获取工具,支持QQ音乐、酷狗音乐、网易云平台,支持搜索与获取单曲、专辑、歌单的歌词 | Accurate Lyrics (verbatim lyrics) Retrieval Tool, supporting QQ Music, Kugou Music, and NetEase Cloud platforms. It allows searching and retrieving lyrics for singles, albums, and ...
DesktopLyrics is an application that displays the lyrics of the song currently playing in "iTunes" right on your desktop. DesktopLyrics features numerous options to customize lyrics display to your liking. Please note that you have to enter or obtain lyrics to be able to use DesktopLyrics (see...
DesktopLyrics Mac版 DesktopLyricsMac版不仅显示歌词,还可以显示当前歌曲(如标题)的自定义方式的信息。此外,您可以选择显示歌曲的艺术品了。DesktopLyrics允许您定义的字体,大小,颜色和阴影的歌词和单独的歌曲信息,让歌词您的口味和桌面图片完全一致;您可以免费下载。
Have you considered adding a "Desktop Lyrics" feature? I mean that getting lyrics to overlay on my screen when using other programmes.This feature will be very convenient for people who like to listen to music while doing other things, and I believe that many obscure ordinary users will be ...
DesktopLyrics is an application that displays the lyrics of the song currently playing in "iTunes" right on your desktop. The lyrics for the song have to be set in iTunes; DesktopLyrics does nothing to fetch them if they aren't available in iTunes. If you don't want to type-in all...
Mac软件下载 支持系统 OS X 10.10 价格 45 下载次数 186 官方网站 访问 DesktopLyrics is an application that displays the lyrics of the song currently playing in "iTunes" right on your desktop. DesktopLyrics features numerous options to customize lyrics display to your liking. Please note that you...
HUAWEI Offical Site provides technical support Find more about Open HUAWEI Music desktop lyrics with HUAWEI Support
DesktopLyrics for Mac是一款在Mac上的歌词同步显示软件,它可以帮助你显示正在播放中的“iTunes”桌面歌曲的歌词,对歌曲进行同步歌词显示,DesktopLyrics拥有众多自定义选项,帮助你按照自己的喜好来显示桌面歌词。 软件功能: 歌词同步显示 DesktopLyrics不仅显示歌词,还可以显示当前歌曲(如标题)的自定义方式的信息。此外,您...
Breadcrumbs MusicPlayer2 /MusicPlayer2 / DesktopLyric.hTop File metadata and controls Code Blame 128 lines (111 loc) · 4.12 KB Raw #pragma once #include "LyricsWindow.h" #include "CommonData.h" #include "IniHelper.h" struct LyricStyle { COLORREF color1 = 0; COLORREF ...
If you cannot see the lyrics on desktop, go to the settings of the Music player and enable [Show lyrics on desktop] For ColorOS 5.0 and ColorOS 3.2: Go to [Phone Manager] > [Privacy permission] > [Floating Window Management] and turn on the button of the Music Player. For ColorOS 3.1...