If desktop icons are not showing at all which include desktop shortcuts and system icons (like Recycle Bin), then there are chances that an associated setting in Windows Registry is configured for it. If that is the case, then you need to check the Registry Editor setting in your Windows ...
• New: Change the desktop background to a solid color when hiding the icons!• New: Activate and deactivate via the To-Tray menu• Update of the language filesNew in version 4.71 // 31 January 2021 • New: Let the program terminate correctly via parameters!• Small corrections to...
Deleted icons stay on desktop (not in desktop folder) I can only suggest that you 1 Add a list of steps you have already taken. 2 Add a comment about restarting the computer. Do the deleted icons disappear then? 2 Add a comment explaining if any Desktop items do delete correctly and ...
Desktop Icons Not Displaying Correctlyin General Discussion My desktop folder icons have been acting pretty buggy lately. I am sure everyone is aware of what the folder icon is supposed to look like when it has pictures, movies, etc in it, and what the folder icon should look like when it...
Just prior to the update the icons were displaying correctly on my files, however after the update they disappeared. The files ARE syncing successfully to the cloud but the Icons showing me which are synced, syncing, or have an error are n...
I am new to Azure and Virtual Desktop and require some help to set it up correctly. I have created and setup the Virtual Desktop but looking for an option to automatically shut it down and deallocate, there is only 1 machine running and usually 1 user connects to it. if that user is ...
Swarm service bind mounts are not always restored correctly. Bind mounts of files living outside of the root mount point (files within /mnt/c, /tmp, /run...) don't work correctly when multiple containers mount them. Docker Desktop Community ...
I did notice a bunch of errors in the event log for the user related to not being able to write to the registry because the key was in use. I therefore rebooted both Remote Desktop servers overnight and that resolved the issue. All is now working correctly. Again thank you for your ...
When it's working the icon is applied to the desktop and fortunately not removed again after log of. If I manually remove icons they're not applied automatically again.This is very odd. It looks like a Windows error. What about a patch ? Any patch that I could have missed that solves...
Do the deleted icons disappear then? 2 Add a comment explaining if any Desktop items do delete correctly and whether or not there are any significant differences between those that do delete correctly and those that don't. 3 Add a list of any OS tweaks you have done & any third-party ...