IconArea_Image=11.jpg [.ShellClassInfo]ConfirmFileOp=0 其中11.jpg是图片,把以上内容用记事本保存为desktop.ini ,和背图片一起放在要改变背景的文件夹内。为了防止误删,可以把desktop.ini和图片设为隐藏属性。标示特殊文件夹 系统中有一些特殊的文件夹,如回收站、我的电脑、我的文档、网上邻居等。这些文件夹...
It opened a dialog box that let you change every single aspect of the selected visual theme independently—scroll-bar thickness, tooltip text size, icon fonts, and so on. Alas, that box, and those options, are no longer available in Windows 10. Themes As shown in Figure 4-2, Windows ...
Windows 10: The Missing Manual, 2nd Edition by David Pogue Buy on Amazon Chapter 4. Redesigning the DesktopWindows 10 looks a lot better than previous versions of Windows. The new system fonts, color schemes, taskbar design, typography—it’s all much clearer, more graceful, and more ...
答:“iconindex=mainicon ”的意思是ICO图标索引为主图片,也就是默认图标。“iconfile=d:\千千静听\\ttplayer.exe ”说明图标文件的位置是“d:\千千静听\\ttplayer.exe ”,这里要解释一下,一般EXE文件中都包含ICO图标文件,还有就是WINDOWS的图标不支持BMP、JPG、GIF等图片格式,如果想使用的话可以用ICO文件转换...
备注 If preparing an image using virtualization, and if connected to the Internet during image creation process, on first logon you should postpone Feature Updates by going to Settings, Windows Update.To Sysprep or not SysprepWindows 10 has a built-in capability called the System Preparation ...
*FontsEnable Font ProvidersDisabled (Windows does not connect to an online font provider and only enumerates locally installed fonts.) Hotspot AuthenticationEnable hotspot authenticationDisabled Microsoft Peer-to-Peer Networking ServicesTurn off Microsoft Peer-to-Peer Networking ServicesEnabled ...
Enable users to view a thumbnail image of the file's contents when the icon of the file appears in the medium, large, or extra large size.XML namespacehttp://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/manifest/uap/windows10 http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/manifest/uap/windows10/2 http://schemas....
9. Replace icons and fonts If you want to freshen up your look even more, you could replace your current icons and fonts with something completely different. You can find icon packs online, but look for clean and simple designs. They’ll go with anything and help to create a more aesthet...
Enable users to view a thumbnail image of the file's contents when the icon of the file appears in the medium, large, or extra large size.XML namespacehttp://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/manifest/uap/windows10 http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/manifest/uap/windows10/2 http://schemas....