Desktop Gooseis a freenovelty anti-efficiencyand anti-productivitysoftware that will keep onpestering you. Developed by samperson, this frustratingly unusualgamedeploys what looks like a lovablevirtual petgoose that holds something more sinister within. Whether you’re playing a game or working on a ...
Desktop Goose by 下拉后,依次点击:Download Now No than...
Samperson. It simulates an endearing goose on your desktop, but its anything but cute. The goose will continuously wreak havoc on your computer by chasing your cursor, displace your windows, and launch the Notepad app while you’re playing a game. Inspired by the Untitled Goose Game and Skat...
Desktop Goose 是非常有意思的小玩具,它能够在桌面上显示一只鹅,而这只鹅会破坏你的桌面,比如拿出一个记事本,写着好好工作;比如拉出一张照片;比如在桌面留下脚印;比如叼走你的鼠标…非常有趣! desktop goose软件功能 请听。我为您的桌面创建了一只鹅。
Samperson Genre Tool System Windows, Mac Version 0.31 Screenshots > Desktop Goose on Windows 10/11: Ultimate Help Guide About App Mason Davis An Introduction to the Desktop Goose App Desktop Goose is a fun and quirky application that brings a virtual goose to your computer screen, providing user...
Desktop Goose by samperson是一个超级好玩的桌面宠物应用程序,您可以通过它来享受美妙的下午时光,大鹅可以覆盖其它应用,因此您无需担心会被遮挡! desktopgoose官方简介 Desktop Goose 是一个非常具有趣味性的程序,将一只淘气的鹅添加到了你的桌面上。在下载它之前,要仔细地想想,因为这只鹅从你开始运行程序的时刻,就...
You can find the project here: 空文件 简介 The source to the Desktop Goose Program by samperson展开收起 暂无标签 /bigtear/desktop-goose-source 保存更改 取消 发行版 暂无发行版 贡献者(1) 全部 近期动态 ...
其实并没有什么黑科技,Desktop Goose 的所有内容都保存在 Assets 文件夹内,包括图片、音效、文字以及 Mods,都可以自定义。启用 Mod 需要修改配置文件。但现在似乎没什么 Mod 可供下载。新的官方改装API !加入不和谐并检查#goose-mods频道以获取更多有关此信息:D-您自己未发表的文字!添加任何您...
Desktop Goose 是非常有意思的小玩具,它能够在桌面上显示一只鹅,而这只鹅会破坏你的桌面,比如拿出一个记事本,写着好好工作;比如拉出一张照片;比如在桌面留下脚印;比如叼走你的鼠标…非常有趣! desktop goose软件功能 请听。我为您的桌面创建了一只鹅。
Desktop Gooseis a freenovelty anti-efficiencyand anti-productivitysoftware that will keep onpestering you. Developed by samperson, this frustratingly unusualgamedeploys what looks like a lovablevirtual petgoose that holds something more sinister within. ...