Access millions of icons, illustrations, 3D illustrations and Lottie animations with the IconScout desktop app for Linux, and ship them seamlessly using our plugins for all your favorite design tools. Download for Linux Watch videoIconScout integrations for every design workflow and tool Download Des...
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Drag and drop design assets into your Mac apps Windows Drag and drop design assets into your Windows apps Linux Drag and drop design assets into your Linux apps Download IconScout plugin for Figma DRAG & DROP Speed up your workflow with tons of design assets Canva NEW Drag and ...
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Bringing multiple windows to Flutter desktop apps Over the past 5 years, Canonical has been contributing to Flutter, including building out Linux support for Flutter applications, publishing libraries to help integrate into the Linux desktop and…...
Please note that donations are not considered payment for commercial support agreements. Please contact us to discuss your needs Unleash the full potential of your existing WPF apps with our cross-platform UI framework, enabling WPF apps to run on macOS and Linux without...
Download SaveDesktop 3.5.2 for Linux - Save and load your current desktop environment configurations in mere seconds with the help of this useful app
production environment. These builds are for users to provide us with feedback. This build uses the Ubuntu 22.04 LTS base. Beta builds are free to download but are not representative of the final builds. This will be the last beta build of Linspire 14 before we hit the Release Candidate ...
The user interface in Tauri apps currently leveragestaoas a window handling library on macOS, Windows, Linux, Android and iOS. To render your application, Tauri usesWRY, a library which provides a unified interface to the system webview, leveraging WKWebView on macOS & iOS, WebView2 on Wind...