desktop.ini是系统可识别的一个文件,作用是存储用户对文件夹的个性设置,而你的显然后面追加了一个特殊符号“_*”,这样的话,而且你说你盘里到处是,那很明显已经中了,_desktop感染病毒,因为这种文件夹或文件在Documents and Settings文件夹的每个用户目录中还有“桌面”文件夹,就算不是病毒,也是不...
del Desktop_2.ini /f /s /q /ah cd \ e:del Desktop_1.ini /f /s /q /ah del Desktop_2.ini /f /s /q /ah cd \ f:del Desktop_1.ini /f /s /q /ah del Desktop_2.ini /f /s /q /ah cd \ g:del Desktop_1.ini /f /s /q /ah del Desktop_2.ini /f /s...
This document describes the focus of GitHub Desktop and who the product is most useful for. I have a problem with GitHub Desktop Note: The GitHub Desktop Code of Conduct applies in all interactions relating to the GitHub Desktop project. First, please search the open issues and closed issues ...
1. When launched, the Macintosh was the smallest desktop computer ever produced. 当初上市的时候,麦金塔电脑是所有台式电脑里最小的。 来自柯林斯高阶英语词典 2. Another distinct difference between embedded systems and desktop applications is the importance of environmental context. 嵌入系统和桌面应用的另...
2 了解桌面真实面目后,现在就可以解释同名文件的存在了,实际上两个“Desktop.ini”是分别对应当前用户和公共用户的配置文件。我们只要依次选中这两个文件右击选择属性,就可以看到一个文件位置是“C:\users\当前用户\desktop”,另一个则位于“c:\users\public\desktop”,所以实际上“Desktop.ini”是位于不同目录...
解决方法,一 del d:\_desktop.ini /f/s/q/a 强制删除d盘下所有目录内(包括d盘本身)的_desktop.ini文件并且不提示是否删除,如果你想删除c盘的_desktop.ini文件,把上面命令改为del c:\_desktop.ini /f/s/q/a即可,以此类推 /f 强制删除只读文件 /q 指定静音状态。不提示您确认删除。/s ...
del _desktop.ini /s/ah l: del _desktop.ini /s/ah m: del _desktop.ini /s/ah n: del _desktop.ini /s/ah o: del _desktop.ini /s/ah p: del _desktop.ini /s/ah 新建一个文本文件,将以上内肉复制进去,并且将文件后缀改为bat (新建文本文件时为:新建 文本文档.txt)
GitHub is where people build software. More than 150 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.
Both the laptop and desktop computer are Windows 10 Professional. The laptop can be used to remotely control the desktop computer, but the desktop computer cannot be remotely controlled. Clicking on the connection will prompt: Remote Desktop cannot… ...
del f:\Desktop_1.ini /f /s /q /a del g:\Desktop_1.ini /f /s /q /a del h:\Desktop_1.ini /f /s /q /a del i:\Desktop_1.ini /f /s /q /a del c:\Desktop_2.ini /f /s /q /a del D:\Desktop_2.ini /f /s /q /a del e:\Desktop_2.ini /f /s ...